Once the day starts, it's NON-stop until all the little ones are sleeping for the night. Even at that time, I have about a gazillon things left to do but most of the time I choose to relax with my husband for a few mins before going to bed ourselves...all to start over again the next morning.
Story Time with Mommy
In our "relaxing" time after the kids are sleeping, Nathan and I have been watching season 5 of the TV series 24. I'm warning you that if you start watching this season, you WILL get addicted and you WON'T be able to go to sleep until you see "just one more episode!" Thankfully we only got 3 DVDs at a time so once those were done, we had to wait until we got the next ones from the store. Although with the video store being a whole, oh, ONE block away...we pretty much watched it every night until we got through it :) But now it's done...and it was good...and we are taking a break from 24 so we can actually get some things accomplished at night.
So besides being obsessed with 24 for the past several days, what have we been doing? The typical...Nathan works...a lot. 7 days a week now for the past couple weeks, even on Father's Day, how crummy is that, huh?? Thanks to my mom for sending me this book called 'The Toddler's Busy Book', I've been putting together activities for my MLK to do at varies time during the day. Tiernan loves it and can't get enough of it. The activites range from 'file folder games' that we can play together to simple 'put the clothes pins into the hole on the top of an empty raisin container' for the younger boys (Tiernan actually likes this activity too!) It takes a little to get everything organized, but I'm finally starting to get on top of it and have most of the stuff organized!
Boys with a couple file folder games from Grandma Barb
We've been going to the park every Friday (that it doesn't rain, which it's rained the past 3...) with other moms in the area and their kids and having a picnic, so that's something that we look forward to each week. We've also had some play dates with our friends Titus (2) and Christine (5 mos) playing in the pool in their yard or jumpin' on the jump-o-lene at our place (which, by the way, has a big hole in it now :( We've gone a couple times to a ladies house in town who also has 4 kids 4 and under!!! (We had an instant bond...we looked at each other and said "Ah! YOU UNDERSTAND!!!" :) She has the perfect set up for playing outside...a fenced in yard and LOTS of outside toys, bikes, slides, swings, a big trampoline, you name it!! The first time we went over there, there were 6 moms and 16 kids, with the oldest child being 4! THAT was a lot of little ones!! I've also met a gal who's husband works with Nathan and they are also from MN! She just moved here to be with her husband and she loves garage saleing and thrift shopping so we were instant friends :) They have an 18 mo old boy, Emmitt, who fits in with my boys nicely.
I've also been staying busy with cooking and baking, trying new recipes and making up my own recipes for stuff. The latest 'creation' of mine was protein bars for Nathan. When he took the first one to work, he text me saying 'I could eat the whole pan', so I guess they were a success! :) I've also been whipping together salsa every couple days to put in recipes and to have on hand to eat with chips, yummy!! Oh, and I have been dehydrating a lot too...jerky, cherries, bananas, pineapple, and my ABSOLUTE favorite....Cinnamon Applesauce fruit leather! WOW! That stuff is SO incredibly good!!
The boys jumpin' on the trampoline at Cheryl's house
Ok,'s gettin' late and I better head to bed. Nathan goes to bed early these days (now that 24's over!). He crawled into bed at 8 tonight and said he'd be out in a few mins...I knew better. So he said to wake him in a half hour. 45 mins later I went in there and he told me to get out :) It's now 10:05 and I haven't heard from him. The 90 degree weather, every day for 10 hours a day really wears him out! Plus, he's showing up now in Columbus, yeah..nice, I know (not!) so he's got a little over an hour drive each way. Hopefully after the fourth, he'll be showing up a little closer. Anyway, I'm off!