Sunday, June 30, 2013


We picked strawberries yesterday....well, more like we picked UP strawberries at the farm's little stand they have by their fields.  Way faster, way cooler, and way more convenient when you have 5 small children with you. And really for the $24 extra we spent having them already picked, it was so worth it. We got around 10 gallons or so and Tiernan helped Nathan cut the tops off all the berries. He did half the work and really kept up with Nathan! They had contests every time Nathan filled a pail of cleaned strawberries from the sink, they'd guess how many were in the pail and then see who was closest. The loser did 5 push ups. Nathan did the most push ups :) I made 18 cups of jam and we froze the rest. (The kids did get into the unlocked freezer and ate almost a whole gallon size bag of them today...some of which they hid in the end table drawers. Seriously?!? Who's kid are these?!?!...ugh. Needless to say the freezers locked now..)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Liberty Block Party

Sawyer Brown performed. Brought back lots of memories. We shared cheese curds. Kids got balloons. Jaeger was super tired. I wanted to leave a lot sooner than we did. Nathan finally heard the song he was waiting for as we were getting into our vehicle. 

C: sword T: stegasorous B: bee A: flower


Jaeger wasn't impressed.

Good thing she's cute.

I opened this bottle for Ariella to take a bath, she took one...and wanted bubbles. This is what was left. 

I also caught her, not once, but twice, just today, sucking maple syrup out of the squeeze bottle in the fridge.  And for those of you who buy real pure maple syrup know that this is NOT acceptable! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Foley Fun Days Parade

We actually found a parking spot close, sat right where I wanted to sit, and all the bands performed right in front of us! The weather was actually beautiful as well. It started out cloudy, which was a nice barrier from the sun but then about a half hour before the parade the sun came out and it was hot!! But I guess better than rain! The kids loved it and it lasted over 2 hours!  Jaeger started out crying bc of the noise from the firetrucks but soon starting enjoying all the music. And he got his parade wave down pat! Instead if a regular wave, he started waving side to side! It was so funny :) The kids were only allowed to have one collective candy bag and they almost filled it! But since we aren't allowing them to have any artificial colors for at least a couple weeks, they'll have to wait to indulge in any of it. Hopefully they'll forget about it before then :)

Milk buddies

Jaeger 16 months.      James 8 months

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Love her.

As I am enjoying my occasional root beer soda...

Ariella: Mom! You shouldn't be drinking that! Babies can't be drinking pop!

Me: You're right honey. Should I drink some water instead?"

Ariella: Yeah.

Me: Could you get me some?

Ariella: Yeah.

After she brings me a glass...

Ariella: Once my baby _______ comes out, then you can drink pop.

Ok, honey :)

.....And, of course, as I'm writing this nice sweet thing about her, she sneaks into the freezer to try to get some frozen cherries which I told her not to eat, and the container of milled flour crashes on the floor, breaking...and flour is everywhere!! Guess I'm off to clean up a rather large mess....

I <3 Wednesdays

I love Wednesday's. Well, I love Wednesday's that I need to go to town...and by myself...which doesn't happen often, but if all the stars line up (bc thats pretty much what needs to happen for the above to take place), I love them because I can get a 16oz vanilla breve at 360 cafe for $1.13. And that, my friends, is fabulous :). If you want to get in on this goodness, get yourself a capital one acct (formerly ING). And if you need a link, just let me know and you'll get $50 in your acct (& ill get $25)...just another perk. But truly the coffee tastes better, especially since that's like a fifth of the price of anywhere else. Just thought I'd pass on the info :) Enjoy your drinks!!

Monday, June 3, 2013


(sorry pic are kinda cut off...don't know what's up with that??) 

2 does 2 months go by so incredibly fast?!  Well, here is one reason that I hope to blog more often...I've learned that I can make my blog into a book in 2 seconds flat, instead of working hours and hours and hours on it like I've done in the past!!  For the last...well...however long I've blogged...5 or 6 years, I've made each year into a hard cover book so we can keep them for memories since I use this more as a journaling and scrapbook for the family.  Well, to compile all the posts AND pictures and make it look all cute and pretty takes time...a LOT of time.

 Time that I just don't have right now, so honestly, the thought of having to take more time to work on the book, prevented me from posting!  Crazy, I know!  But thanks to my friend Angel, who's a blogger as well, I've found a site that in one click, it compiles all the post and pics in about 10 seconds into a book.  In order. With pictures. Done.  Granted it doesn't look as pretty, it's just white pages with black writing...but really, for hours upon hours upon hours of time it saves me, black and white is not all that bad!!  So all that to say that printing my book is no longer a problem!  So I hope to blog more just because of that :)  I'd like to post a quick something each day...or every other day.  Some picture or thought...some funny thing said or memory I want to keep.  Would y'all still follow??  Might be more interesting than me posting every 2 months :)

So what's been happenin' around our neck of the woods??  Well, what hasn't been happenin around here is the better question!

In May, we had 2 lovely sisters, Haley (20) and Hannah (18) move in with us.  They share the guest bedroom downstairs next to the boys' room (lucky them).  It's nice to have their help and their company when Nathan is working out of town. (which is often since he is on a job in Sioux Falls currently....but it's hot time so we are trying not to complain...too loudly anyway).  The kids love them and to have 4 extra hands come in handy sometimes!  The first week they were here, I sat on the front porch (on a very oddly warm day) while Hannah rubbed my back and Haley made supper.  Um, yeah, I could get used to that!

In February (I know, long time ago...), we found out that (surprise!) baby #6 is on the way!!!  And yes, it was a surprise to us.  I was getting comfortable with 5....guess the Lord had 6 planned!  We had our mid-way ultrasound this morning and we also found out the sex!!  Guesses???  Let's just say that I cried happy tears ;)

This morning before my ultrasound....end of week 19/start of week 20

Update on the kids:
Tiernan: Is both bummed and excited school is out.  Still sneaks food from anywhere and in anyway he can....grrr... Is very good at playing baseball with dad.  Loved to plant the garden with dad last weekend. Built a big fort in our back trees and will put his lunch and almost everything else he owns in his backpack and sits out there.  Losing teeth left and right.  Cut his head open at a friends house and while it was getting glued together, the glue dripped down his face and onto his chest, causing it to get stuck and us having to rip the skin off of his neck and face where the glue dripped. yeah, it was lovely.  His head healed just fine :)

Caedmon: Did awesome in school this year and is excited about next year already.  Loves anything and everything soft.  Is always trying to convince me to let him have more stuffed animals.  Loves that he made new friends at school, esp with the 'upper graders'. 

Brayan:  Will start school in the fall.  Is getting awesome at reading and sounding out words.  Has the biggest and toughest will out of all the kids.  Fights with Ariella constantly.  Instigates a lot.  Likes to play legos while stories are read in the evening. 

Ariella:  Totally keeps up with the boys and has the sharpest wit out of any 4 year old I know.  Can think so fast on her feet.  Says the funniest things.  One thing in particular she's said recently...A: "When's snack?" Me: "In an hour." A: "That's too long!" and stomps her foot. Me: "Well, now it's in an hour and 10 mins because you stomped." A:....gets real close to my face and in the most stern and serious tone says "I didn't stomp...I was starting a marching band"...and marches "band-like" away from me.  Oh boy.  What to do with that girl!!  She bothers Brayan just as much as he does her.  Knows how to spell all the boys' names and writes words constantly.

Jaeger:  Does his "scary" face to anyone who asks.  And will keep doing it if you laugh.  Is 15 months old and does not walk nor stand on his own yet.  He can pretty much run behind his push toy but has no sense of balance on his own yet.  I don't mind.  The slower speed they are, the easier they are to catch!  *loves* his "ba-ba" (bottle) and will go down for nap and night time without a peep if he's got it.  Says 'yes' by shaking his body instead of his head.  Likes playing hide and seek with the kids.  Will go up the ladder and down the little tikes slide like it's his job. 

Nathan:  Loves getting the garden going and can't wait to live back in the country...although I have other thoughts about that.  Been having a hard time with his back lately.  Is starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as his apprenticeship goes, although he still needs quite a few distribution hours.  Just started wearing his wedding ring again after 9 years without it on (he lost it a few months after we got married). 

Dawn:  Tries to stay on top of housework, although it seems like it's always an uphill battle.  Wants to start finanical coaching people as a side job instead of a hobby, although I'd always do it even if I never got paid for it.  Listens to Dave Ramsey's radio program throughout the day instead of music.  Was so super excited to have my ultrasound done today and to see baby all healthy and strong.