Tuesday, January 1, 2008

We're Back!!

Whew!! We made it back!....barely! :-) After that long week in St. Cloud, we are glad to be home!! As I mentioned in the last post, we SOLD our house!..so everything needed to be packed up that was still at our house. Since we've been living here in Luverne since May, we didn't think very much stuff was left back at the house, but boy were we wrong!! We started going through stuff and packing up on Saturday morning and didn't quit until the next Wed, the day before closing! There was SOO much stuff we could hardly handle it! Nathan made 2 huge truck loads of stuff to the dumpster and we were thankfully able to sell some stuff as well! We are storing a few boxes of things at our parents house and then the rest of the stuff is here with us.

We were going to close on Thursday morning but then Wed night late, I got a call from the title company saying that there was a problem with our survey not matching the legal description of the land recorded at the county...big problem! We had to track down the 80 yr old man who did our survey and had to have him write a letter saying it was fine. After twisting his arm, a lot, he finally agreed to do it, but only a $150 and a day later! Therefore we didn't close until Friday at 2pm....but at least the papers are all signed and we don't have to deal with that house anymore! Yay!

The rest of our "vacation" was pretty good. We had Christmas Eve over at Nathan's parents house with a handful (6 of the 11) of his siblings and families. We ate supper, read about Jesus' birth in the bible, sang songs, and then opened gifts! The boys had a great time playing with their cousins!

Christmas at my parents wasn't until the 29th b/c my parents were in Arkansas celebrating with my sister and her family. Over there we ate the traditional 'fondue' meal with steak, fish, and shrimp, and then opened gifts. Ugh, my kids got way too much stuff!!...but they sure enjoyed it! (Nathan didn't really enjoy hauling all the stuff back to Luverne with us though!)

We packed as much stuff from our Foley house as possible in our van and my dad will make a trip in Januray with the rest of it! You could hardly tell that we had three car seats with three little boys in the car b/c of all the stuff!! They were good troopers though! Speaking of troopers....

We were 10 mins from Luverne when we were driving back and all of a sudden Nathan pulled to the side of the road. I asked 'what are you doing?' and he said 'I'm pulling over!' I thought something had fallen from the top of the van b/c we had a couple totes up there and he said 'No, I'm getting pulled over!!' I looked in the review mirror and sure enough...a cop. Well, to make matters worse b/c it had snowed so much in Luverne while we were gone, the shoulder was covered in snow with a major drop off into the ditch. So when Nathan pulled over for the cop, our van sunk into the snow and we got stuck!! Ugh! We got off with just a warning (I think the cop felt bad for us) but Nathan did cover the cop with snow as he was trying to get out (by accident) but it made me laugh!!

Well, we are looking forward to this year and what the Lord has in store for us!! Knowing our past, we are sure it will be exciting! Until next time, Goodbye!!

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