Monday, March 17, 2008

Let It Snow!!

There's nothing we can do about it, so ya might as well have fun, right?? We woke up to about 3-4 inches of snow on the ground this morning. There was no snow on the grass around our apt last night and this morning was quite a different story!! Nathan was home by 9:00am because of the weather. They shut down the operation for today, but since they expect us to get another 4-8+ inches tonight, we'll see what happens tomorrow!! The boys went outside to make a snowman! The pictures that are blurry are because I was inside taking the pictures through our not-so-tight plastic on our windows...sorry! There was a lady in her van that kept driving around the block taking more pictures of the snowman and the boys each time. I told Nathan she could have been from the paper and he'll be on the front page tomorrow...hehe :-) Enjoy!

Tiernan looked like he was ready to go to the moon in this snowsuit!! :-)

Caedmon even had fun!

Start rolling the first ball.....

And a little bigger.....

And the body begins....

And more body....this is going to be one tall snowman!

Nathan perfecting the last touches.....

And as Tiernan would say "Taaa-Naaa"....the snowman!!

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