Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Ok, so Nathan wanted me to correct myself...we were not in St. Cloud for 2 weeks, we were there for a week and a half. We got there on a Thursday night (late) and left yesterday (Tuesday) a week and a half later. :) We were very busy with everything going on and trying to get everything accomplished in a short amount of time. Nathan was busy out on the land over-seeing the construction of the road that is being built for the development. It is coming along nice and it should be done by the end of the week! Okay, so now that I've corrected myself, I will let you know what's going on with the job......

Nathan called right away on Tuesday morning and spoke with the lady from the union hall in Iowa that left him a message last Friday. She told him about the "Mason City" job and he accepted. He will be putting up a transmission line that will run from Crystal Lake Iowa to Manly Iowa (I think) and they project it to take 3-4 months or longer. Like how they give us a set time? :) He will be working 6 - 12s (6 days a week, 12 hours a day) which is very nice compared to the 7 - 12s we thought he'd have to be working.

So yesterday morning we left St. Cloud for Des Moines Iowa to get his referral slip from the union hall. (I took us 4-1/2 hours drive time, 5 hours with stopping once) Then from there we back-tracked north to Mason City (about 2 hours) to find a hotel to stay for the night. Nathan's training this week was being held at the Holiday Inn so thankfully they had a room available!! So this morning Nathan is in training and we are playing in the hotel room :) It was quite a scene last night here with trying to get all the kids to settle down after being in the car all day long and then all packing into one little hotel room. But we made it! I went to get some groceries last night and once I left Nathan was able to shut off all the lights and the kids were out shortly after that.

So we have a couple days here. He will be finding out today how many days of training he has, either 2 or 3 and then it will be back to Luverne (3-1/2 hours) to pack our things and move them down here!!! We will be looking at a few places tonight to live at. Two of them are in Garner and 1 is in Forest City. We don't have many options because of the fact that we just want to rent for a few months and most people want a 6 month to year lease. The other reason is that the guy in Forest City told me that there is a feed mill crew and two other wind power crews looking for places to stay so we are competeing with them too. We are too worried about it though, the Lord will provide!

I will keep you updated as I know more......and later I will post pics of our stay here and in St. Cloud. But for now we are off to play in the play area here at the hotel!!!

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