Thursday, June 19, 2008


Ok, I know I already did a post this morning, but I had to let you all know that I just added a guest book to my blog and I would like EVERYONE to SIGN IT!! It is located on the top right of the blog site. All you need to do is click on it and it will let you send a message, etc. I have been finding out about more and more people that check our blog that I had no idea that they did!! I think it would be VERY neat if everyone could at least put their name in the guest book (you don't even have to write a message if you don't want to...although that'd be fine if you did :) ...but just a name would be fine with me so I can get an idea of everyone that reads this!! It just tickles me to hear that people really actually read my I guess it would be cool to find out who you all are! Thanks and I look forward to seeing A LOT of names in the guest book very shortly!! hehe :)

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