Monday, June 2, 2008

Hello Luverne! (I need a nap!)

Watching a movie--yes, they were all sitting still for a few seconds so I had to get a picture!

This is what we ate supper on back in Luverne since all our stuff is moved!

Hallway from kitchen area/front door looking into living room

Door and dining area

Living room

Front of building --we are in the apt on the upper left (behind the tree :)


The bathroom

Tiernan and Brayan's room

Tiernan's bed

Their closet--just to give you an idea of the bedrooms--our bedroom is just like this, just on the other side of the apt.

Our kitchen area

At our friends the Forsmans' when we were in St. Cloud.

Diane and I, and Brayan

Tiernan feedin' the baby calf

Tiernan and Caedmon throwing fun!

Wow! Where do I begin?!? Well, I can start by saying that the 24th grandchild on the Legatt side was born on Saturday night!! Jeremiah (Nathan's younger brother) and Elisa welcomed their new baby boy, Eli Thomas to this world. He weighed 8 pounds and was 20 inches. They also had a home birth assisted by Joy and both mom and baby are doing great! So Congratulations guys! We can't wait to meet him!

Okay, so Saturday morning we woke up, ready to pack for the day. Our plan was to pack and load the trailer that my mom was bringing from St. Cloud on Saturday and then Sunday we would move to Garner. Well, since our plans have a way of changing at the last minute, Nathan got a call Saturday morning to go on a storm crew to Nebraska for a week, leaving from Clear Lake IA Sunday morning at 7am. Yikes! So we starting packing really fast, which ended up not really being that fast since we have 3 little kids who need breakfast, lunch, naps, etc. But we packed and hurried around and my mom showed up with the trailer around 2:30ish. Nathan started loading the trailer while I kept packing and we left Luverne around 6:45pm and got to Garner around 10pm. We unloaded everything (with the help of our landlord) and got to bed around 12:30-1am-ish. Whew! I said in the last post that we would have a two day move...I was wrong, it was ONE!

It went pretty smooth, except for a few glitches when we got to our "new" apt. One thing about this apt is that it is on the second level. The way that you get up to that second level is on these very narrow, very steep deck steps that don't have a railing on one side (safe, i know!). And the stairs don't go up the side of the deck like any other normal persons would, these go up the middle of the deck thru a cut-out (which nathan hit his head on a few times while moving...not fun!) I will have to take a picture and post it since that was the only thing I didn't take a pic of. But yes, we moved all our stuff up through the small opening in the deck. Well, all except the bed since it wouldn't fit!! We had to manuver the bed up and over the side of the railing and onto the deck to get it into our place. And when I say 'deck', don't think of a nice stained wooden deck and railing like typical decks are, nope-not here, this deck is like a few boards painted gray with metal railings and spindles wide enough for my kids to fall through that wiggle back and forth when you touch them! Lovely.....

So anyway, we unloaded the stuff, went to bed and then Nathan left at 6:15am the next morning for Nebraska for a week....leaving me alone with my kids in a town where I don't know anyone or where anything is without a phone and without interent!!! (If you are bored with your day-to-day tasks, come live with us, I promis you won't be bored!!) Our cell phones don't work in Garner so we will be getting a land line. And this week internet will be in too... I will leave our contact info at the bottom of this post in case you want to send me a nice letter (I love mail... hint hint!! :) My mom stayed over-night with us and stayed until about noon on Sunday which was SO nice to have her help in the morning since Nathan had already left. We couldn't have done the move without my mom willing to drive the trailer to us and back and help moving, we appreciated it greatly Mom, THANK YOU!!!

So after the rest of the day by myself and the kids, I decided to take a long walk with the kids. We walked by their brand new water park just a block away from us, wow it is nice! It's got TONS of slides, big ones, small ones, you name it, it's there. There's water foutains and things that spray water, diving boards, just about everything. It was fun to walk by although I don't know if we will ever go since two-thirds of my kids are scared of water! Maybe Tiernan and Nathan can go if he ever gets a day off. (Funny story about Caedmon and water....most of you know how freaked-out he is of water, well when we were staying at the holiday inn, we were walking through the lobby towards our room when we passed this small water-fountain thing were water was trickling down some stone....caedmon saw it and started crying, loud..we were like 'caedmon, you are just looking at it! you don't have to go in it!' It was funny...poor kid :)

Since Nathan will be gone this week and we still have a bunch of stuff left to do in Luverne (finish putting stuff in storage, clean, etc) I decided to drive back here today and stay most of the week here. I figure I feel comfortable here, I have a phone, internet, JEN NEXT DOOR!! :). It really hit me when I drove back here today about how much this feels like home to me. I love everything about where we live(d) in Luverne. I love the views, the apt, the apt building, the stores, the people, my egg lady, our milk farmer, the tress, our laundry room! (the laundry room that we have in Garner is located in the basement that you access from outside that is down these cement steps into this icky, dirty, wet, cement room with spider webs and there's this dark hallway-like thing that leads to a single guys apt in the basement....not exactly where I want to spend my time. I think Nathan will be coming with me to do the laundry :)

Just for the summer...that's what I keep telling myself :) I hope and pray that once we are all settled, that we (I) will adapt to Garner like we did Luverne and it will turn out to be a great summer! So for now I am back in Luverne, enjoying the last few days here. On saturday there is a parade in town so I think I will stay for that and go out with a bang! :) Our kids have been such troopers during all this....and are getting very good at sleeping where ever they are. In the last week, they have slept and stayed in 4 different cities! Last Monday and Tuesday we were in St. Cloud, then we went to the hotel in Clear Lake IA for Wed, Thurs, Fri and then went to Garner for Saturday and Sunday and now Monday in Luverne!! They are also good in the car, which is a huge blessing! Caedmon is the most restless but as long as he can eat something, he's fine so he gets a lot of snacks in the car :) Tiernan is very surprising since he's such a busy boy, but once he gets in the car it is very unlikely for us to hear a peep from him! He just sits there and looks out the window. For those who are curious, it is about 3 hours (actually when I drove here today the timer on my van said exactly 3:00 when I pulled into our parking lot) from Garner to Luverne. It is also a little over 3 hours from Luverne to St. Cloud, and I think it's about a little over 3 hours from Garner to St. Cloud, so basically it's a nice triangle to all three cities!

Our contact info is:

1190 Division St. #4

Garner, IA 50438

641-923-2184 (this will be hooked up on June 5th)....this week you can get a hold of me on my cell since i'm in Luverne and it works!!

Well, I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm tired!! My kids have all been in bed since 6:45pm so I think it's time I join them!

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