Monday, September 22, 2008

Haircut Time!!

Okay, blogger would not let me sort my pics the way I wanted to but I guess it doesn't make too much difference anyway! Brayan has gotten his two front teeth and the two next to them are starting to poke through as well. Here are a few cute pics of him eating an apple! :)

Can't see his top teeth in this picture......


Oh! There they are!! :)

Hopefully this following picture makes you laugh because it sure made me laugh!! It was time to give Brayan a haircut!! After being mistaken for a girl a few times in the last couple weeks, I said enough is enough! (The last time it was at the grocery store and he was even in a BLUE shirt!) I tell anyway, here are the before pictures!

(He's got oatmeal on his face, I let him eat/play with it while cutting his hair....)

Look at all that hair!

Here is the after picture! His hair sure couldn't stand up as high as before! He looks like a handsome little boy now!

As if working 12 hour days wasn't enough, Nathan now works 13 hour days, 7 days a week, including Sunday! They are really trying to push to get the job done on schedule (Oct 8th) so they are workin' the guys to the bones! A lot of guys left this job to go work on storm work with the hurricanes so they lost about 30-40 guys. They just brought in about 15 from MN and NE so hopefully they'll get it done on time. We are ready for Nathan to be done working on this job!!! We don't know where we will be moving but pray that it will be in MN. They say there's is 'plenty' of work in MN so that would be nice! Nathan gets home about 8:30pm, says good night to the boys and reads them a story (to who ever is still awake!) then he showers, eats, and does this....

.............poor guy! Just a couple more weeks!!

A week ago Friday, Tiernan was looking out the window and then came up to me and asked "Mom, can we go to the parade?" I said "parade? what parade?" So I looked outside and much to my surprise, there were people lined up in their lawn chairs out by the road! The two little ones were sleeping, so I took Tiernan outside to see what was going on. There were obviously people waiting for a parade to start, but I had no idea why! It was any other Friday afternoon! So I asked the lady that lives in a house behind us and she said it was homecoming! So I came back in to get a blanket and Tiernan and I sat on the curb right in front of our place and watched the parade, full with police cars, firetrucks, bands and CANDY! It was a fun time, especially since we've never lived on a parade route before!

OH! By the way....Go see the movie FIREPROOF this weekend, opening in theaters Sept 26th (Friday). From what I hear it is an AMAZING movie and you can learn more about it, see trailers, etc at Support this film (ESPECIALLY on opening weekend when all the 'numbers' count!) We need more like it!!

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