Monday, September 1, 2008

What a Weekend!!!

We left last Thursday night after work and headed up to St Cloud for the weekend. Nathan took Friday and Saturday off so we could have a 4 day weekend with the holiday.

Friday: We spent time at my parents house just relaxing, going on the boat, and playing outside. Friday evening we went to our friends house for supper and had a blast just fellowshipping and chatting.

Saturday: Nathan and I got to have a DATE DAY!!!! We left the kids with my parents and started the day out with massages!! After those we went shopping for a few minutes and then went to eat. Next we went out to St Johns to walk around. We did about half of the chapel walk and decided it was time to turn's a long way out there!! :) After St Johns we drove through some houses in St Joe and actually found where one of my friends from high school lives and stopped in for a bit to say hi to him and his wife. Next, we went to a movie, then dinner, and ended the evening with some bowling!! It was so much fun! I won both games :) But I am STILL sore!! Maybe we should have got our massages after we went bowling! We slept over at Nathan's parents house who were gone for the weekend and after we grabbed lunch on Sunday, we made it back to my parents house! It was such a nice time with just the two of us!! We haven't been away from the kids for that long since we've had kids so after over 3-1/2 years, we thought it was time!!

Sunday: Relaxed for a couple hours at my parents house while the kids napped and then headed to our other friends house for the evening. Again, it was a great time of fellowship and food and football and just hanging out!

Monday: Went to Nathan's parents house for lunch and then headed back home! We thought the traffic would be bad so we left early. When we were stopped on the interstate in Albertville, we thought that we would have a long drive through the cities but it actually only took us 13 more minutes to get home than it did to get there, so it wasn't that bad!!

Grandpa Ron and Tiernan sweet

Grandpa and Grandma with Brayan and Caedmon

On the chapel walk

Relaxing at St Johns

Tiernan with Grandpa on the little four wheeler

Don't you LOVE our bowling shoes?!?

Will it be a strike??? (probably not...hehe :)

Can I get the spare??

Proof that I won! :) (Notice we both got 2 strikes and both got the last one in the 10th frame!!)

On our way to bowling

This is Tiernan with the sweet Ms Donna that lives below us. Last week she said that she wanted to get a professional photographer over because she wants a picture of "her other family" and then she said "I love you guys like you were my own" Awww...she's so sweet! Caedmon calls her Grandma Donna :)

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