Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What a way to end vacation!

Hopefully most of you have recovered from the craziness of Christmas and New Years and are back into a routine! Nathan went back to work yesterday after a two week vacation! It was so nice to have him with us everyday but he was looking forward to getting back to work and starting a new year!

Our last day of Christmas vacation (Sunday) was filled with fun stuff and it was a great way to end the two weeks! We were finally able to go back to our church after 5 weeks of not going!! It was either because of runny noses or icy roads (and being gone) that we didn't go, so just going back was a treat! But then to top it off, the nationally known Christian singer Geoff Moore was a guest at church! He came to our church back in 2007 and that is how we started going to Crosswalk in the first place. When we first moved here, Nathan heard on the radio that he would be performing at this church, so we went and have been going there ever since! It was wonderful to hear Geoff perform again as we really enjoy his music. He sang the song that Nathan and I danced to at our wedding (If You Could See What I See) and he sang it on Sunday, so that was special too!

After church, Nathan unexpectedly took me to Applebees to eat, and even though we had the kids with, it's always fun to eat at a sit down restaurant! :)

Geoff Moore and his guitarist at church
THEN......the most exciting thing of the day happened when later that night Jen came to babysit and we were able to walk (yes, WALK!) 2 blocks (yes, TWO blocks!) to the Palace Theater and go to a Remedy Drive concert!!! They are a nationally known Christian band from Lincoln NE and we first heard their song on Air 1 (89.5 in st cloud). Then when we bought the 2009 wow christian music videos DVD, one of their videos were on there and Nathan totally fell in love with this band! (ok, maybe not LOVE, but he REALLY liked their music :) So one day a few months ago, I was looking thru the free local paper we get at the apts and in one small section of it, I saw the words "Remedy Drive" and "performing at the Palace." I was a little confused at first b/c there would be NO way that a nationally known band would be HERE, in THIS tiny town....so I asked Nathan, just to be sure... "Hey, Nathan?...What's the name of that band that sings that song Daylight that you like so much?" "Remedy Drive" I quickly flipped the paper around and showed him what I was looking at. We couldn't believe it!! So I immediately called Jen and asked her to babysit a few months in advance for that evening :) Needless to say, it was a great concert and we were able to chat with all the guys after the show! We told them how much Tiernan likes to sing and play 'drums' along with their video so the lead singer gave Tiernan a message that we recorded on video on Nathan's cell phone. Tiernan was SO excited to see it the next morning...that the 'Daylight' singer said his name and was talking to HIM!! :)
We sat in the 5th row..but considering the Palace only HAS 10 rows....it was still great seats :) It was funny b/c once we sat down Nathan says to me "maybe we should go up to the balcony to get a better view" I said "Better view?!?! We are in the 5th row, we can practically spit on the guys!" He says "Yeah, I guess you're right!" :) Remedy Drive consists of 4 brothers, so that was also something interesting we talked to them about. Very cool guys....

So basically we ended the vacation with a big concert day! :) Oh, and speaking of concerts, we made a last minute decision to go see Tonic Solfa when we were in St Cloud. Thanks to my parents for watching the kids, we were able to get away for a few hours while we went to the Paramount and were entertained by the amazing sounding a capella band!

Hope you all had a wonderful vacation as well!

Outside the Palace Theater

During the concert

Nathan with David, the lead singer

Me with Dan, the drummer

Nathan with Phillip, vocals and guitar

(We didn't get a picture of Paul, the other vocals and guitarist...sorry!..but you can check out their website at www.remedydrive.com if you are interested :)

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