Saturday, February 14, 2009

This, That & the Other

Ok, these pictures will be in complete random order since Blogger is not letting me change the order of them this post will be all over the place! :)
First up, my aunt and uncle, Carroll and Carol, came to visit last week. They drove ALL the way from Warroad (right on the Canadian border) down to Sioux Falls for the week. They were nice enough to swing in and say hi for a bit! While they were here, they showered our kids with gifts and the boys thought it was Christmas again!! :) Tiernan calls them "Marj and Marj"---don't ask me why!, but it's cute :)

Carroll, Carol, Caedmon and Tiernan
We had Al over for supper the other night. He's our French friend. You might remember him from this post. I made him a typical American 'meat and potato' supper :)...more specific; chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, and asparagus. Then we had lemon schaum torte for dessert! It all turned out well and I think we were all full at the end of the night! He will be coming here next week and making supper for us! He'll make it over here so he can teach me and so the kids don't tear up his place :) He will be returning to France at the end of March, so we are enjoying his company while we can.
Here Al is giving Nathan a little history and geography lesson on the computer :)
This is a picture of the fruit I bought last time I was at the grocery store. We would be lucky if this lasted us all week, we usually end up going on a 'fruit run' before the weeks end.


Typical positions for the boys........................
Goofy boys!

End of 31 weeks/start of 32..............(2 wks later)......................End of 33 weeks/start of 34

As you can see, not much has changed with my belly in the last couple weeks. To me, it actually looks bigger in the previous picture! But if you compare month pictures instead of weeks, you get this......

Taken 1/13/09.......................................................................Taken 2/14/09

Yikes! I think baby (and me!) packed on some pounds this month!! They say that the baby is gaining about a 1/2 pound per week between now and the time of it's birth, so we'll see if that affects the way I'm carrying it or not! Some days are better than others, but for the most part, my belly isn't really bothering me at all. The only time it gets 'in the way' is when I'm bending over repeadly picking up toys, etc.

Bray Bray had a fever a couple days ago....teething. He pretty much did this all day.......

.............the next day he was back to his normal self!

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