Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Never Know What to Title These Things....

Ok, so I feel like there's a ton of stuff I suddenly want to blog about! :) I never really know where to start though....

I love having productive days and lately I've been having a lot of them! Some people may say that I'm "nesting" since my baby is due in...well, like soon!...but I just say it's cuz there's a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in! We leave next Monday for St Cloud and after that, the next time I'll see our apt, I will have FOUR of my children with me! (well, with me and outside of me :)

Anyway, we went to the mall in Sioux Falls after church on Sunday to just hang out and enjoy some time together as a family. It was only the second time we've been to the mall, and yes, we've lived in this area for about 17 months total....so we obviously don't shop often! And we didn't even shop, we just walked around. The only thing we bought was lunch and an ice cream cone from the DQ as a treat for the kids (well....and us, of course!)

So back to my productive days......

The morning is my most successful "get everything accomplished" time. Once I get my MLK up for the day, diapers, dressed, breakfast, & clean up, then I usually have energy to get things done! And I try to finish before lunch (which is about 11am for us!). Yesterday I made 2 batches of granola. One for us to bring and one for Nathan to have here while we are gone. After that, I got all the kids' clothes packed and in the suitcase, so they are all ready to go! Then I had to make a couple phone calls about getting my haircut and getting the oil changed in the car. Then I started filling out an application for Nathan (we finished when he got home) for a place near St. Cloud. If it's the Lord's will, we would love to get that job & be able to move back and build our house and be normal as normal as we can be! :) So prayers are appreciated!!

I even got to take a nap after lunch....can you believe it?!? After nap, I worked with Biggie on his 'school work' and then played until it was time to start supper. Get this.....we made waffles for supper and you know how much I say my kids eat? Well, last night was again a great example of how my boys will completely eat us out of our house apartment if we don't get a garden and some chickens soon!! Do you want to guess how many waffles Tiernan ate???? Take a guess......4? 6? 7? NO! EIGHT! Yes, 8 waffles!! My just-turned 4 year old slammed down 8 waffles before declaring he was full. I ate 4 and was stuffed! Brayan also ate 4 and Caedmon ate 5, so they (being 1-1/2 and 2-1/2) still put them away too!

Again, back to my productive days!.........

Today I started with making 2 batches of jerky! This is like my favorite thing to eat and it's so easy! I made a batch last week thinking that would last for Nathan to eat while I was gone...HA!...that lasted about a couple days so I made some more, again for us to take and for Nathan to keep. Only this time I'm vaccum sealing them so they aren't as accessible :)

Once I got the jerky in the dehydrator, I started on making some chicken noodle soup! This was actually quite easy since I had the chicken already cut up from making the chicken the other day and I had some frozen homemade chicken broth in the freezer that thawed overnight. So all I really did was put it all in my pot, added some veggies and noodles and voila!, chicken noodle soup! Now Nathan has a couple meals to eat while I'm gone and I'll have a couple meals for the family for after the baby is born!

Then after I was done making soup, I decided to make some apple crisp....just because! Well, just because I had the apples and just because I know my hubby loves the stuff! Here's a picture of it before it goes into the oven. Yummy.....

THEN....it was lunch time! :)

Once I got the 2 youngest of my MLK (many little kids) into bed for nap, I finished the little gift I started for my mom. We have all these empty CD cases that we don't need since we take the CDs out and put them in a pocket book thing to save space. Well, I couldn't just throw them away and thought that there must be a use for them.

**Side note: Even though we don't necessarily recycle our pop cans for example -which we don't have many of! - we do recycle a ton of stuff. For example, we never have to throw away a milk jug cause we re-use ours! (yes, they are glass-) This cuts down not only on the jug itself but also the gas for the truck that would have to come get the jug if we were to 'recycle' it, etc. Also, we re-use all our egg cartons. I use an old formula tin for our pencil holder, an old wipe box for puzzle storage, our old protein powder containers to keep our granola and cookies in, we re-use our bread bags, I re-use my laundry soap jugs since I make my own soap, we use the bags from the grocery store for our kitchen garbage bags, etc etc etc. I could go on and on...and my point is that there is a gazillion things to recycle without actually setting a little bin at the end of your driveway and say you recycle. Almost everything that is reusable in some way (a box, a container, piece of plastic, etc we find another use for!)**

So anyway (back to the story Dawn!).....After searching the internet, I found some neat ideas for uses for old CD cases and this was one of them! (I'd like to take the credit for the idea, but I can't......) A pencil/utensil/mail/whatever kind of holder you want it to be!!!! Just glue them all together and slide your pictures inside and "taa daa"....a neat little personalized gift!

Here I made it be a mail center, kinda......

With each kids' picture on one side and "baby coming soon" on the other :) You could also use colored paper or scenery pics, etc...whatever suites your fancy!

When you want to change out the picture, just open it like so........and take out the picture!

Oh yeah, AND I got the oil changed in the car. Well, I didn't actually change the oil, I let Clyde take care of that. Yes, that Clyde. Here is his latest sign.....

And then I did this post.... :) Jerky's done! Gotta go!

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