Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sorry to Disappoint!

Soooooooooooo frustrating!! I have a few minutes now during nap so I got all ready to update my blog and I forgot my camera at the in-laws!!! ahhh!! So, I'm just going to have to post without pictures for now and then post pics later!!

We've been hanging out at my parents for most of the week but we did take Thursday afternoon and evening to spend time at my good friends house, where my kids had a blast! Tiernan played outside for hours with the other kids and loved it! Then this morning we went to Nathan's parents house for Tiernan's 'birthday meal'. Mary made Tiernan waffles and an angel food cake with strawberries and whip cream. It was very yummy! After we ate, we make out way back to my parents so the kids could nap.


Here are a couple comments from people I have gotten lately. While wearing a regular sweatshirt, my sister in law commented "You don't even look pregnant!" Another comment was by my midwife as I was coming up the stairs to her office. She was around the corner and she said "I can't wait to see you!" And once she saw me she said "Oh, you don't even look any different!" Sorry to disappoint! :) So one thing that I was going to mention on my last post but forgot was about how my belly measured at my midwifes appt. Measuring the fundal height of my belly isn't very accurate at the end of pregnancy because if the baby has dropped, etc then you'll be smaller but at 37-1/2 weeks, I measured at 32 weeks!! So for all of you who've said "you look so little" etc etc, it's because I am. But am I complaining??? No way!


I hope to get my camera back soon so I can post my last next belly picture! Make sure you get your vote in on this baby, your time is running out and hopefully I'll be able to congratulate some of you on guessing the correct sex very very soon!! :)

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