Sunday, May 31, 2009

My 4 Babes

Can ya guess who's who???

Actually, I'm sure it was pretty easy....I didn't want to search though all of my pictures on the computer I have of the boys so I just snapped a couple pictures from their baby books :) They are all about the same ages in these pictures...a little over 2 months. Just in case you needed help, the first picture is of Brayan, then Tiernan, then Ariella, and then Caedmon.
You guys are crackin' us up with your votes about who Ariella resembles the most!! :) Keep the votes coming! Also, if you've never signed my guest book and you're reading this, please sign it! I like to know who I'm writing to :) Thanks!!
We went to the zoo today....I'll have pics up shortly!

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