Sunday, October 25, 2009

For Sale!

This is what I have been busy with in the past week or so!

I had a garage sale at our house last week Wed evening, Thursday, Fri afternoon and Saturday morning! Whew! I'm glad that's over! It went very very well and I was able to get rid of most everything I had out there! Even though the weather did not cooperate and it was in the low 30s, windy and raining almost everyday, people still came and my stuff still went!! I kept joking with the people that came....I'd say I didn't know who was more crazy; me for having the garage sale in this weather or you for coming to it!! :) But I am pleased to say now that we have nothing big to sell or get rid of before we move to the RV!
A family from church came over last week and they took our dressers, night stand, book shelf, lamps, tv, table, chairs and couch. Then someone from my MOPS group is buying our climber with the slides downstairs (which i'm totally going to miss!), and someone else is buying our freezer. Another family from church is even buying our bed frame! Then at the sale, I sold the changing table, a file cabinet, tons of totes and storage things, rugs, baby equipment, LOTS of clothes, and even our vacuum! It is such a blessing not to be able to have to deal with those things when it comes time to move!!
I was blessed with a few friends that came over each day to help out either with the sale or with the kids. Although since it was raining, Nathan was home each day as well, so he mostly hung out inside with the kids. He even 'manned' the sale when I went to MOPS on Friday morning! It wasn't technically 'open' since I advertised it on Friday from 1pm-6pm since I knew I'd be at MOPS, but because we had the sale in our carport and there is no door on it, people just assume they can come whenever they want. But he did a good job so I don't think it was that big of deal! :)
So anyway, the sale is over and the rest of the stuff was taken to the thrift store here in town. I actually had a lady stop by in the afternoon that was at the sale while I was packing stuff up earlier and she said for $10 she'd take the bag of the 'leftover' clothes off my hands! Perfect! So I got $10 and didn't have to load it up and she got a black garbage bag full of little boy clothes! Great deal for everyone!
So besides the sale, I've been busy filling orders for I Spy Bags and aprons. As Christmas draws near, people have been ordering more to give away as gifts! So if you want one, please let me know! The current sale I have going on for the month of October is buy 2, get 1 50% off! Well, better get going...have church to get ready for!

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