Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wait!...That's an Oncoming Train!!

Here are the pictures from last year October when they got into the sprinkles....maybe they were celebrating the one year anniversary by getting into them again??

Our day started with us waking up to Tiernan and Caedmon out in the living room with both bottles of sprinkles.....sprinkles both in their mouth and all over the floor.

I can't remember if I wrote about it last summer when they got into the sprinkles when we lived in Iowa, but that seems to be a reoccuring thing...ugh...

Then the kids took huge cups of water downstairs, dumped it down the slides...making a homemade slip and slide...inside and on the carpet. And they did this twice.

Then we noticed it was awfully quiet downstairs and we immediately thought that they had more water. Nathan goes flyin' down there and found that they stole a whole loaf of my bread, brought it downstairs and tore it to pieces and tried to eat as much of it as they could...again, all over the carpet. To top it off, Tiernan stole the camera while he was at it and took pictures of it!!

Then it was time to eat supper. Caedmon wanted bread (go figure) but we told him he would have to finish his lasanga before getting any bread. He didn't like that answer and started crying. We told him he needed to go to his room and he got so upset and cried so hard in his room that he make himself puke. Ugh....

So while Nathan was in his room cleaning up the floor, I brought Caedmon into the kitchen and sat him up on the counter so I could clean off his pants, etc. In the meantime I stepped into the living room to help Tiernan, only to hear Nathan walk into the kitchen and say "You have got to be kidding!" I ran in there to find that Caedmon found a glass of milk sitting on the counter that he thought he would throw, flick and splatter milk all over the kitchen! There was milk on the windows, counter, cupboards, oven, all over my clean dishes and not to mention all over the floor!

The boys went to bed early that night....

Then the next night, we were wondering why they weren't eating supper, just picking at it and I hadn't given them an afternoon snack, just so they'd eat supper well. I went downstairs and this is what I found....a whole bag (24 pack) of string cheese....with only 3 left in it!...and all the empty wrappers. Yep, that would explain why they weren't hungry!

And we even have a lock on the much good that does!

Can someone tell me that my kids won't always be toddlers???? Because right now it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel!! ...And if it is a light I see, it's usually an oncoming train!!

Tiernan's pic he took of the start of the bread mess.....

The empty bag of string cheese with all the wrappers....

1 comment:

  1. What great imitators kids are. Maybe we should stop taking pictures of them when they make these big messes...??? :) But then again, it will give us something to look back on when they're grown. Hehe!

