Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Cards!

Yes!!! I still want to get yours!!! But you just have to be patient until I get ours out and I'll have our new (for the time being) address in there!

Well, our time in Nebraska is coming to an end and we are prepared to start our "living in our 5th wheel" venture!

We will load the last of our stuff in the camper tomorrow and then head out Friday morning. We will make a couple over night stops along the way to break up the drive...ya know, since it's only 8 states we'll have traveled in on our way! And then plan to be in Virginia on Sunday.

The guy who's hauling our 5th wheel will meet us at our campground on Sunday and then the real fun should start!, how in the world do we hook this thing up? Where are all the levers again? How do I start my oven? And so on... Good thing our friends Matt and Meggan are there to help!!

For now I will continue packing (by myself since Nathan's at work...while trying to entertain 3 toddler boys with nothing to play with/do and a baby who likes her mama, figure out what to fix for meals and what we'll eat on since the plates and silverware are all packed...) Oh the joys of moving! Did I ever say how much I hate packing and moving?? You'd think it's one of my favorite pastimes since we do it so much (5 times in 2-1/2 years, over 4 diff states) and that, my friends, is why I'm SO excited about the RV...NO MORE PACKING!! I'll just move my house! YAY!

So anyway, back to the Christmas cards and letters...please don't forget us this year!! For those of you who already sent them, THANKS!!! If you sent it to our "other address(es)", don't worry, it'll get to us through forwarding. And if you know either one of our parents and can't wait to send it, just mail it to either parents and they'll make sure it gets to us.

I will get them out ASAP once we are in VA! Merry Christmas (early!)

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