Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas day

I tried to update this last night but my internet wouldn't stay connected. Must have been because of the rain? It poured all day and all night last night. It was weird to be driving back from Nathan's sisters house last night with a couple feet of snow on the ground and then have it pouring rain at the same time....strange!

Anyway, we had a great Christmas day over at Nathan's sisters house with her family and then Nathan's other sister and fiance who live in D.C. It was only 45 minutes to their house too!! So wonderful to be close to something and someone familiar! We spent the day eating TONS of AWESOME food, playing games, watching movies and hanging out. I'll post some pics later.

We have been trying to get settled in, unpacking boxes and trying to find a place for everything. Various problems or hurrdles keep popping up with the's definitely been a huge learning curve having this thing!!

Wow...where am I to start???

Getting better....

The kids can actually sit at the table!

This is what I did with the boys while I was trying to worked well for the most part!

Ariella 'helping' with unpacking.

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