Thursday, December 10, 2009

What happens when momma sleeps in...

Can you guess what these pictures are of???

If you guessed "a big mess in your kitchen made by your boys while your husband made breakfast", you were right!!

Remember me telling you about the mornings last weekend that I slept in while I let Nathan get up and deal with the kids? Well, one of those days I woke up and walked out into the kitchen and was greeted by this site! Nathan was right there, obviously not affected at the time by the huge disaster our crazy boys were making. But you know what the best part was??? I went to the store and when I got home, it was all picked up :) I know, I know...I have THE best husband in the world!...lets me sleep in, makes breakfast, AND picks up!! (Well at least that day he did!!)

And yes, Brayan was running around only in his diaper...

1 comment:

  1. My kids are SUPER messy and although they have to clean up the messes, it doesn't stop them from making them. LOL.
