Thursday, March 11, 2010


Even though we could not move out to the farm like anticipated, I've decided that I'm going to be thankful for where we are right now.

I'm thankful for the long driveway that we have.

I'm thankful that we don't have any next door neighbors to the right.

I'm thankful that a lot of people have moved out of the campground recently making a lot less traffic in here.

I'm thankful that we live within walking distance (about 1/3 of a mile) from a gorgeous horse farm with amazingly friendly owners who have told us to come over, feed the horses, and let the boys run as often as we want.

I'm thankful for the new friends I have made through our bible study.

I'm thankful for my 'old' friends coming to visit us, even though they now live over an hour away.

I'm thankful that we found a park less than 10 minutes from here that is absolutely beautiful, huge, peaceful, and quiet.

I'm thankful that the adults can still have fun at the park too.

I'm thankful that I have an amazing husband who works so hard to provide for his family.

I'm thankful that we just got a new bed and that someone in the campground was able to use our old one.

I'm thankful for the spring weather we have been having, allowing me to open the windows and get some fresh air.

I'm thankful that all the snow has melted.

I'm thankful that my parents are coming to visit in less than a month.

I'm thankful that I'm learning that if I practice being thankful for one part of my life, it will flow over into other areas as well.

I'm thankful that the Lord is teaching me to be content right where he has us.

When we were leaving Nebraska, one of my friends told me "Bloom where you're planted."

And that's exactly what I plan on doing.


  1. It definately helps to look for all you have to be grateful for. And you are WILL spill over into other aspects of your life. There are times I need to do the same thing. Thanks for the reminder. Glad I found your blog.

  2. Thank you for sharing your words! I REALLY needed to read this today. Dear hubby and I are struggling with being content with where we are at. We live in the city and are very much country folks. Our kiddos ds14,dd10 and ds5 want so much to be out in the country too. We are trying but doors keep being closed. I need to remember to be thankful and also to bloom!

    Rachelle ~from Kansas
