Wednesday, March 17, 2010


In my post about us going shopping last Saturday, I forgot to mention the funniest thing that I heard Nathan say....

We walked into a sporting goods store looking for work boots for Nathan. An employee asked if we needed help finding anything. He said he was looking for work boots. She pointed us to the back of the store. That's when he asked....

"Are those boots snake resistant?"

Excuse me?? Please tell me I did not just hear you ask if the boots were snake resistant?? That was about when I walked away from him pretending I had no idea who this guy was! Ha!

Ever since we moved here, Nathan has been constantly talking about snakes and spiders around here that are apparently dangerous. I'm sure there are some, but I try to not let it consume my thoughts ;)


Can you guess what these pics are of?

Let me explain...
First, once I closed the door, it would only open that far. SOmething was stuck in it. Second, I look down that tiny crack along the side of the door and saw a DVD stuck way back behind the door. Third, I spent a good half hour with two kitchen utensils trying very hard to manuver the DVD to get unstuck. It worked. Now I just keep trying to explain to my 2 yr old that we can't "hide" stuff in the door!


  1. Eliana put them between her bookshelf and the wall. THAT's where the CDs were disappearing to! She kept asking for the Wheels on the Bus, so I told her we needed to find the CD with the happy face on it. She remembered right where she put it! :) Luckily, with a book I was able to "grab" it pretty easily and pull it out. Hopefully you won't need to borrow that trick.

  2. snake resistant :) what did the sales lady say to that?!?

  3. Sara, at least a bookshelf you could move if you needed to. I have NO idea how we would have gotten behind the door...we would have to take the whole wall apart or something!!

    Jessica, she said "Uh..I'm not'll have to ask the people back there." :)
