Tuesday, April 27, 2010

tub or tote.

Who needs a bathtub when you have a tote that you can stick in the shower?!

Well, to be honest, I would choose the tub over the tote but in our current living situation that just isn't an option, so we just make do!

On to another subject...

Nathan and I went on a 6 HOUR DATE....CHILDLESS!!!! WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
How exactly did we pull that off?? Well, a HUGE thanks to Nathan's sister Sarah and family who willingly watched ALL 4 KIDS on Saturday (Nathan was off work bc of the rain). We enjoyed lunch at Olive Garden and time to just stroll the mall and different stores without getting the kids in and out of carseats 36 times! It was SO great and SO greatly needed!! It has been since before Ariella was born that we've gone out without the kids, and she's 13 months old....so it was time!!

On to another subject...

I haven't been posting as much as I've been thinking about it because in any "spare" time that I might get, I've been working fervurously to perfect some recipes! So far in the past few days I have mastered my own chocolate graham crackers, tortillas (& tortilla chips!), bbq sauce, butter, and I've been testing/adding/testing/adding to my ketchup! Once I figure it out, I'll be sure to share!

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