Monday, April 12, 2010

walkin' thru dc.

So after checking out the insanely busy cherry blossoms, we walked around checking out the monuments and memorials. With all the people and having the kids with, along with not wanting to spend all day in DC, we did not go into any museums. It was enough for us to walk by, take a picture, and keep walking...although Nathan and I would like to see some of the Smithsonian's inside, but maybe we'll save that for another day...or seeing how often we got lost...maybe not!

First up....the Washington monument. You can see this pretty much anywhere you are in DC, seeing how it stands an incredible 555ft tall!

Just look at ALL THOSE PEOPLE!!!!!!....yuck! :)

After that we just followed where Naomi lead us :) Next up was the WWII memorial...

Then it was over to the Reflection pond and the Lincoln momument. Nathan, Dad, and Tiernan ran up all the stairs and fought all the people to get a upclose shot of Lincoln. Us ladies and the little kids waited on a me, that was better than seeing Lincoln :)

Then through the sea of people, we were able to walk along the Vietnam wall memorial that has remembered all the people who died during the war by engraving their name on the wall.

Brayan had enough site-seeing...

We continued walking over to see the White House. Nathan really couldn't have cared less to see the White House but I told him to think of it as if we were going to see Ronald Reagan's old house, and then he was okay with it :) As we walked down the sidewalk in front of the White House, the police were clearing everybody off the sidewalk and road in a hurry "Keep moving! Keep moving!" they were yelling at everyone. So we had to back-track across the road in order to get a good view. There were so many people though that it was kinda difficult to enjoy any view because you needed to keep moving or you'd hold up all the traffic. They were setting up the annual Easter Egg hunt on the lawn of the White House though so that was neat.

Who said that this is only a DOUBLE stroller anyway?!?

After the White House we found a quick bite to eat at a vendor, found a spot on some grass, and scarfed down lunch! It was about 2:00 by this time and we were starving! The weather was still gorgeous! I don't think you could have asked for better weather. Not too hot, not too cold...sunny and just perfect!!

That was all of our DC tour. We found our way back to the metro and rode it back to the one by Naomi's apartment.

This escalator was SOOOOO scary! It is the longest one on the metro system and it's SO steep! I didn't even think they made them this steep! The picture doesn't show exactly how steep it was but I couldn't even look UP it was that scary! Why was it so long? Well prob b/c that metro that we just rode on took us under the river...kinda creepy, I know!

Oh, but more 'fun' was about to continue...

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