Tuesday, July 27, 2010


A couple weeks ago our blinds by our table came unscrewed from the wall on one side and instead of screwing it back in, we decided to take them down. Why? Well because where they had it originally screwed in was right in the way of the seat being able to come up for the storage that's under the benches. Nathan at one point said "get someone to come out here and put in another blind" Yeah right! Do you know how much they'd charge to come out to us to do that?! There's got to be a better way. And I found it! I was just going to make one! While on my way to Wal-mart to check out all 6 pieces of fabric they have, I made a quick stop at the tiny thrift store in town (along with all of the kiddos who can hardly all fit into the store) and I happen to find JUST what I was looking for!! Instead of fabric, I found 2 twins sheets, not even from the same set but matching that I bought for $3/ea and decided they'd work perfect! I brought them home, called mom to ask her how in the world I measure to make curtains and I went to work! A few hours later I had them hanging up with a tension rod, and I think they turned out pretty darn good if I do say so myself! And all for $6! And it even matches...double bonus!

Here is the pic I blogged about before about asking who else gets to make a cool bed out of their dining room table to watch movies on?!

And, by the way, the 2nd day of school went good as well! We did school in the afternoon today while 1/2 of the kids slept (kid #2 and #4) because we went to the gym in the morning. Love the flexibility! Tiernan is rockin' at it and he is finishing all his work with no problems, especially flyin' through math and numbers! Way to go Biggie!

AND it was actually BELOW 90 degrees today!! Making it to only the mid-80s, it felt like a down-right cold snap! I even heard Caedmon exclaim when he walked outside this morning "oh, it's willy code out here!" :) I wouldn't go THAT far Caedmon...

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