Wednesday, July 14, 2010

father's day.

It seems as though I have way more ideas and intentional posts for my blog than I do time!! Every now and again I get reminded by someone that I was going to do a certain post and never did! If ever I say I'm going to blog about something and you never see it up here, please let me know and I'll do my best to post it. :)

So remember me saying that I had a chance to get away for a day over Father's Day weekend? Well, I'm finally getting around to blogging about it!

The saturday before Father's day, Nathan's sister came over in the morning to hang out and then once Nathan got home from work, we left for her place in Arlington, VA! We both drove until about half way to her place and then I parked my car and got in hers. There is no extra parking by her place and if you remember, I don't exactly have a great track record for finding my way around DC! Anyway, once we left, we made a couple stops at Target and Old Navy before ending up at her apartment. Once we were there, we settled in and watched a movie (until late I might add!...This momma isn't used to staying up that late!...sheesh!)

Naomi (little miss "i'm going to sleep in") was up by 5:30am and already showered etc before I woke up. I was up by 6:30 though but glad since we wanted to get in as much in the day as possible! After showering, eating, etc, we went for a walk from the apartment thru the Arlington cemetary to a bridge where we could watch the airplanes coming in from the DC airport. Since it was already a gazillion degrees out and super super humid, we were both drenched in sweat only after about a mile of walking.

During our walk...

After our walk, it was time to go lay by the pool! I made it out there for about an hour before I said that I had had enough! It was SOOOO hot I couldn't stand it anymore!

After the pool....

Then we went up, had some lunch, watched another movie, and we were off running some errands! We stopped at Target, a couple goodwills, and then went to check out her new apartment. She moved this past saturday to a place in Alexandria, just another suburb of DC. She went from a studio apt to a nice 2 bedroom apt (with a roommate) and a gorgeous view for quite a bit cheaper!...I think it was a great move!

Her new apartment building

After that she treated me to supper at Applebees and we went back to the apt to hang out a bit before it was time for me to leave! I had such a great time and it was soooo weird to be able to move around so fast from place to place without having to do and undo carseats 36 times! Of course I missed my kids but I knew they were with dad and mommy needed a little vacation :)

So how did Nathan fair with all those kids by himself on Father's Day? Pretty good I guess! He took them to church by himself, to the park and said he had a great time! (minus when Tiernan fell off the monkey bars at the park and hurt himself and then Caedmon started sympathy crying all while Nathan was trying to get Brayan to stay close and telling a crying caedmon to go get Ariella who was running away...and then trying to get them all herded towards the van) But while he told me that, I just smiled and said "welcome to motherhood" :)

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