Monday, July 5, 2010

it's home

(So I finally got my cord for my computer and now blogger won't let me post pictures...oh how frustrating! Well, pics will soon follow :)

Well, we are back from our 'vacation'. We stayed at a friends house while they were away, house-sitting for them. It was definitely a great time and the kids had a blast playing with all the new and different toys and having room to roam!! But that is exactly what we missed about the camper...we never knew where our kids were! Are they upstairs? Are they downstairs? Maybe they are outside?

We kept busy on our little vacation with a little cleaning (I cleaned their fridge, organized their tupperware, cleaned their laundry room, etc), weeding the garden (I will soon have before and after was a jungle!), cooking with fresh veggies from the garden (LOVED that!), laying outside in the sun (Nathan is still trying to get his stomach and legs to match his arms and face :) and grilling!

The kids kept busy with playing, playing, and more playing. They also loved taking a bath in the HUGE tub and splashing in the small pool outside.

And I did a LOT of laundry! And I just hafta say this....if you have a 'normal' size washer and dryer and they are both in working condition, you have NO REASON to complain about doing laundry!!! I could not believe how much laundry I could get done and how QUICK it goes! Remember that in the camper I have an all-in-one washer and dryer so it switches over to dry the clothes after it washes them...BUT I have to take almost 2/3 of the clothes out of the washer first otherwise none of them will dry. And the drum is VERY small, letting me only wash and dry a few things at a time. So when I had the privelage of using a big washer and dryer for a week...WOW, what a difference!! So no complaining from you 'normal' folks, got it?!

But even though we had a great time over there, we could not wait to come back to the camper. I think the Lord is really teaching us contentment, especially Nathan. He didn't think in a million years that he would be desiring to come back to the camper but...this is our home. And it's always nice to be back home. Our own space, our own stuff, our own bed (even though the king size was nice!), and we always know where our children are!!

Yes, we have to stand sideways in order to walk around our bed....yes, our children bathe in a tote....and yes, I can vacuum my whole home from one outlet....but it is our home. It's where daddy comes every evening after work, it's where my oldest will start kindergarten in a couple weeks, it's where our 3rd became potty trained and where our 4th learned to walk, it's where we sit and read stories as a family at night...and yes, it's a camper. But to us, it's home.

And, plus, who else can make a cool bed out of their table in order for all to be able to snuggle up and watch a movie together?!

So we continue to learn to be content with what we have. We are blessed to have a home, blessed to have this camper, blessed to have a healthly family where we can all be together, and blessed to have a Lord and savior who provides for us. And we are finding out that that's really all that matters.

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