Tuesday, September 28, 2010

98 hours

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband who is willing to work hard to provide for his family!! This job that he is currently on has the hardest hours he's worked yet, and if you've been following my blog for quite some time, you'd know that he's had some tough hours before! This job is schedule for 6 days a week, 14 hours a day. If that wasn't enough, he said last night that he heard they were working Sunday and could be going to 7 days. That's 84 hours a week currently and 98 hours a week if he works Sundays too. That's two full time jobs and a part time one to boot! They start at 6am and get done at 8pm. He's got just enough time to get home, shower, eat, read the kids a story (the ones who are still up) and get to bed. Oh yeah...but then there is all his books, workbooks and exams to study for. Ugh..good thing it's supposed to only go until February!

Here are some pictures from recently:

At the hotel

The poles and building at Nathan's climbing school

Snugglin' with Gma Barb after bath

The moving trailer, which had tons of room left inside...and the kids helping unload it

Family picture on Saturday

The $50 garage sale couch

All doing some school work yesterday morning :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! We will be praying for Nate and for the rest of you. Love you all, Wade and Shell
