Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Here is our house!! I was out at the site today and when I pulled up there were 10 trucks outside! The plumbers, electricians, framers and shinglers were all workin' hard! And the thought did cross my mind "I am paying ALL these people to work right now! yikes!" :) It was SOOOOO fun to see the house inside and out and see our dream coming to life! There was a mistake with the windows in the front by the lumber company and the top window in front will be changed to a smaller window since it is now 22" too long. See how it is right up against the roof? Yeah, it's not supposed ot be like that. But once that is fixed, it should be good to go!

The other thing that the lumber company added to the plans that weren't there before was vaulting our front bedrooms! It actually added some character to the rooms, making them seem much bigger than they are, and at no additional cost to us since it was a mistake, we'll take it!

I'll have more pics of the house in the next couple days since I plan on taking more and blogger's being difficult again! :)

Our kitchen when we got home from St Cloud last time....CLEAN!

3 mins after we got our stuff out of the van and into the apartment...not even kidding you. How in the world does that happen?!

Marker fun....uh...maybe I forgot to give them a piece of paper?!

Typical scene at our house when Daddy comes through the door after work...

This is just one reason why I'm so excited about the house being done...I can finally have a dresser and closet space to put the kids' clothes!! I try really hard to keep their stuff organized but when you have little kids dressing themselves, throwing what they don't want to wear aside, get this...

There, that's better....

School time...

Brayan fell asleep at the table...that rarely happens!

Tiernan with his puzzle...

I found this with Caedmon behind the couch....'s his yogurt. He dumped it into his bag to eat later. Once he realized I saw him behind the couch, he gives the bag to me and says "I don't want this bag anymore." Ya think?? Gross! It went through the wash and then he was happy to have it back :)

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever read the book "Max Cleans Up" by Rosemary Wells? That last picture totally reminds me of that story. Brayan would love it :)
