Friday, February 4, 2011

We are HOME!!!!!!

We're home, we're home, we're home!!!!

It was a loooooooong month wait after we last saw the house at Christmas, but it is over now and we are all moved in!! I have only 2 boxes in the garage that need to be put away and everything will be in it's place!

We have now been in the house for a week and absolutley love all the space we have (esp compared to the camper!!). And I love that there's a place for everything! We even have high speed internet ;)

Nathan was going to just take the weekend off for closing and help get settled those first few days but it turned out that right before we left for home, his foreman said that everyone had to take a mandatory week off due to this section of the job being completed! Therefore he had this whole week off! What a blessing that has been! With all the stuff we needed to buy for the house (sheets, mattresses, silverware, garbage cans, decor, towels, etc, etc, etc, etc), it was super nice having him home with the kids so I could get all that accomplished. (And now I'm all shopped-out!)

I've included a few pics of the house and I will include more once I get some taken during the day light hours. Seems as though when I try to take them at night, I can't get my camera to adjust to the lightening and the colors look really weird :) But I didn't want to keep ya hangin'......

My favorite room....the kitchen! It turned out exactly how I wanted it and exactly how I envisioned it!!

The dark color and wire mesh are in place now in preparation for the stone and stucco going on in the spring

Back of the house

Entry way

That's all for now (gotta start our taxes...) but since we now have 1) a new computer and 2) internet that works, you can be sure you'll hear from me soon :)


  1. superb!
    Mau you spend many many happy days in this beautiful house of yours.
    Amarie ( from paris through Luverne ....!!!)

  2. WOW! LOVE your house! It's beautiful! Good job!
