Wednesday, May 25, 2011

On the road again!!

Yep! You read that right! Next week we will be heading down to southern MN, Blue Earth to be exact, to live for 4 weeks! I'm trying to think of it as an extended a small town...and an empty house...with my husband working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. What a great vacation! ::ahem::

This is the "joy" of the apprenticeship...not being able to turn away any jobs, even if they are far from home. And we just cannot go without Daddy here with us, so we are packin' up and going with him! Although I'm going to to try and NOT pack. I'll be taking as little as possible. One van full...that's it, and with 4 car seats in the van already, that doesn't leave much room. No beds (besides an air mattress for us), no tables or chairs, no couches...just clothes, whatever toys we can fit, and some food...and probably a pan or two!

We'll be staying in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house on a double lot that some friends of Nathan's parents own (and rent out). The tenent that is in there now will be moving out in a couple days, just perfect timing!

So I'll be keeping you updated with that! (Oh, and when the 4 weeks are up, I have heard that there is a 'great possibility' that we will be moving to Bemidji MN for 15 months. Yeah, great...I know. I'll keep you posted with that too! I just figure all this stuff gives me even more to blog about :)

In the meantime, I was going to plant a garden. Nathan got the hole all dug with the skid steer...nice and deep so we could fill it with black dirt and allow the roots to grow til their heart's content. Except for the fact we couldn't find anyone to bring us some black dirt before it rained....and rained.

So now we have a 2-1/2 foot swimming pool. It's nice and organic, including a nice mud floor. ;)

The only problem is that it's really hard to keep the kids from going 'swimming'....naked.

(Check out the wall hanging right next to Brayan's head..."Simplify" HAHA! We laughed so hard when we saw that...right next to Brayan standing in his 'simple' bathing suit! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Mom! He didn't get his clothes dirty! :) The adventures never end. Happy packing!
