Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day 2012

So Sunday was Father's day....and we didn't have any plans...

We went to church and during the service our pastor was telling the congregation about how he was working in his yard removing this big stump and joked that if anyone wanted to spend father's day helping him, they were more than welcome.  Well, when most people were chuckling, Nathan and I were like 'that sounds like fun!'  So after the service we caught pastor right as he was getting into his car and asked him if he really did want help. "I would love help!" was his reply.  Great!  See you in a couple hours!

Meanwhile, there's a family at church who is apart of our lifegroup who we just met a couple weeks ago.  They have a 6 yr old girl and 1.5 yr old boy.  We decided we wanted to be a blessing to them so asked if they had any lunch plans.  They didnt, so we asked if we could treat them to lunch.  They accepted!  We went to Portillos....a place known for their hot dogs and italian beef.  Most of us just had hamburgers, which were good too!  It was very busy...guess that was the pick for most fathers :)

After lunch we swung by the hotel, fed the baby, changed clothes, grabbed our suits and were off to Pastor's house!  Nathan got right to work digging out that stump for him.  After he was done, Pastor Scott said that he did it in about 15 mins where it would have taken him all day!  After about a half hr or so, the family we took out for lunch stopped by too and started helping as well!  Then once Scott's son jumped in, they actually had several hands workin' and got quite a bit accomplished.  Taking 8 inches of soil off a large area in order to pour concrete is no small task though.  Lots of work left!

While the guys worked, where do you think the kids were??  In the hot tub, of course!!  I mean, where else would you be on a 90 degree day?!  Haha... Hot water, in the sun, in 90 degree weather.  Doesn't sound too appealing to me, but the kids LOVED it!!  They are so gracious to let the kids use it.  So with the hubby working hard and the kids occupied, I went to Sams club with the other wife and picked up some stuff for supper.  We brought some meat over to grill burgers so I just had to get some picnic-type sides and we were set!

We finished supper shortly before 8pm and called it a day.  So thankful to have found such an awesome church family.  the bridge church!!

Nathan digging hard to get that stump out!

There's some more help!

Kids hanging out in the hot tub  (yeah, my little girl doesn't have a shirt on. first time I've let her do that but we don't have a suit for her and it was hot out)

Pastor Scott with Jaeger...he holds him any chance he can!

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