Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Look who's 5!

So I think I realize what my problem is....I can't blog quickly.  And the main reason is because I can't get my pictures off my phone the right size and that's why the last few posts with pics have small pictures.  And what fun is a post without a picture??  (Esp when you have such cute kids!)  So there ya have it...hopefully I can get my pics working soon....

Here's whats been happening in our world lately.....

I have one more day before the whirlwind weekend starts....Friday= preparation for butchering our chickens on Saturday and I think we are going to start on a few on Friday evening as well.  Then Saturday will be filled with butchering the rest.  Yeah, that will be, uh, fun?...I think.  I've never done it before so we'll see!  I'm pretty sure that my FIL (father-in-law) will be the ones in charge of the actual killing of the chicken bc Nathan and I have gotten a *tad* attached to them and just think they are so beautiful and fun to watch that it would be hard for us to do the actual head chop.  But once it's dead, then I'll be fine :)

Then Sunday we have church and last minute chicken prep.  Monday morning at 8am we pick up our Penske truck and start-a-loadin!  We've gotten the approval to move our stuff in the garage of our new place the day before closing so we don't have to move everything on Tuesday.  Then Tuesday we need to be out of here in the morning as the buyer has their final walk-thru and then they close!  And then we close on our new place!  And Tuesday night we will be sleeping in our new home :)  We are very excited.

We had a playdate last week at a new friend's house that we met from church.  They have 7 children, their oldest just turned 9 but when we were there, she was still 8 so their were 12 children 8 and under.  And guess what?  FIVE of the kids were FIVE years old!!  (Brayan turned 5 last week and Caedmon doesn't turn 6 til next week so I currently have two 5 yr olds, then she has a biological daughter who's 5 and two adopted boys who are 5!)  Aren't they cute though??

It was so nice to hang out with a mom who "gets it".  Not too many people can understand my world of lotsa littles so young and the craziness that goes along with raising them, homeschooling them, and having a husband who travels often with work....but she does!  

Our friends even made Brayan a cake since we were over there on his birthday!  So sweet :)

So these two are brothers....can you tell??  These are the pictures the boys colored in class at church.  Kinda creepy.

I just love this picture of Tiernan. He looks so grown up. This was taken during sports camp at church that he was a part of for 5 weeks (once a week).  He LOVED it!  He played soccer and came home each week with different moves to show us.  He also received a dvd with the songs on it that they sang each week.  WOW, does he love that thing.  Plays it ALL. the. time. 

We celebrated Brayan's birthday last week with donuts :)  No cake this year with the move but I don't think he minded.

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