Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving break

Ok, so it's been a month.....seriously, a month.  That's horrible!  Time.just.flies.

So, Nathan had 5 days off over Thanksgiving and here's the recap of what we did!

Wednesday: Hung out at home, cleaned the basement (Nathan did so much work down there, I'm so thankful!  He moved the beds, vacuumed, and went through boxes with me.  It looks so nice now!), and went over to Jonathan and Becky's to grill since the weather was so nice (in the 50s).  The guys played football outside and after a few hours we went home and spent the evening watching movies and hanging out.

Thursday:  Thanksgiving at Amanda's house.  Six out of the 11 siblings were there so not as roudy as it could be but still a good time.  Amanda had crafts for the kids to do and a few of us adults played some board games.  The weather took a turn for the worse during the day as well and ended up snowing! 

Friday: Started out very early for Nathan since he went Black Friday shopping at 4:30am with his brother Jonathan.  They headed over to Home Depot to score some deals on tools for Nathan for work.  (Funny thing is that I think he's returned most everything he bought there because we've found it much cheaper other places!)  Then we had Thanksgiving brunch at my parents.  We got there a little early so mom could play games with the kids for school and they all came upstairs with birthday cards for me!  How sweet.  Then we had some awesome quiche (and I don't like quiche so that's sayin' a lot!) and hung out a couple hours before heading home.  That evening Nathan went out to eat with his friend Scott and his brother Jeremiah.  It's tradition that they take each other out to eat for their birthdays and this time it was Scotts.  A trip to Olive Garden it was, and after 4.5 hours of sitting at the restaurant, they were kicked out.  No, I'm kidding.  But they did stay 4.5 hours.  Nathan said they coulda talked even longer too.

Saturday:  My 31st birthday!  My parents came over at 9am to watch the kids so Nathan and I could run a couple errands and then go eat lunch.  We even left the baby with them so it was truely a date!  Lunch at Mexican Village was nice and quiet and we were home by noon.  After my parents left, we had planned on getting a Christmas tree but since we started cleaning and rearranging our house, we left that task for Sunday and decided to stay home.  We were also expecting company later so we wanted to keep picking up and I wanted to start getting supper ready.  Our friends Guy and Cassie (and their 6 wk old baby James) came over at about 3:30 to play some games and eat supper with us.  We played a game of Say Anthing, Hand and Foot, and Farkel.  They left about 9pm.  It's always a fun time when we hang out.

Sunday:  Sunday school and church in the morning, lunch at Gma and Gpa Legatts after, and then to the tree farm to get the Christmas tree!  It was different than I remember growing up.  I remember walking out to the trees from the parking lot and finding the perfect tree.  Here you just drive up and down the aisles of the trees until you spot the right one.  Nathan and the kids jumped out, cut down the tree and was dragging it back to the van before I even got out!  Well, that was quick!  We brought it back, got it all loaded up and then checked out the fun things they had for the kids.  A horse ride (they loved that!), a petting zoo with calves, goats and sheep, Santa sitting on a sleigh, a big bond fire, and we went on a hay ride pulled by 2 big horses.  Sunday evening was spent doing laundry and getting ready for Nathan to return to work today.

Seriously...look at this girl's face.  Do you think she was liking it?? :)

Decorating the tree....

A game of Go Fish and a cup of hot chocolate *with* marshmallows to end the evening.
It was a nice time having the hubby here for 5 full we can't wait til Christmas vacation!

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