Saturday, March 2, 2013

First week completed!

Well we made it through the first week of school for the boys! And not once was I late dropping them off or picking them up, which I say is a huge accomplishment in and of itself!....esp since I have to leave the house by 7:20am with 5 kids up, dressed and fed. At first I thought that I would roll out of bed, fed the older boys, and throw the other three in the van and feed them when we got home, but I found myself getting up early (totally a God thing bc I would NEVER do that on my own) getting somewhat ready, and having time to feed all the kids! Then last Wednesday, I joined the Y and plan on going after I drop the kids off at school on M, W, F. I made it twice last week so I'm on track! Although, oh my goodness, I have never been so sore in my life!! My legs hurt so bad that I couldn't even stand up straight without the muscles in my inner thighs pulling, lol. Nathan called me a "sissy" so I felt the need to remind him who delivered all 5 of his babies at home with no meds?...oh yeah, right... ;)

So back to the boys...once they got over the "we are going to school AGAIN?" thing, they were fine. Caedmon told me each day he made more friends and even on the 2nd day, I turned to say bye to Caedmon after they hung up their stuff and he was already in the classroom playing with things. Alrighty! Guess he is doing fine! :). Their teacher sent home the first weeks worth of papers and Tiernan had mostly As, a few A+s, and few Bs of some sort and Caedmon had mostly A+s with a few As. I think for the first week they did okay! One day after I picked up the boys, I asked Tiernan how school was, his reply was "It was AWESOME!!" Great! What made it so awesome? "We had 2 recesses AND lunch!" LOL! You are SUCH a boy!! :)

The home had a little different dynamics without the 2 here. I only had 3... 5 yr old, 3 yr old, & 1 yr old, but it is strangely quiet. A nice strangely quiet. I was even able to take a nap one afternoon! At one point I remember that Jaeg was taking a nap and the other 2 decided on their own to play a card game in the living room and I noticed that all was quiet and i could actually hear the soft radio music that was playing, ahhhh so nice :) also, Ariella and Brayan are learning quickly that they need to be nice to each other because otherwise they have to play by themselves, there is no one else to go to.

So the first week was a success and we are all looking forward to the next few months before summer break!

1 comment:

  1. Yes , sweetie you are not sissy, rather one of the strongest , most patient women I know! :)
