Sunday, January 19, 2014

10 year anniversary!

Last Friday, the 17th, was our 10 year wedding anniversary!! Wow!! TEN years! Can't believe it! On one hand, it seems like it's been forever, and on the other, it seems like it was just yesterday, it's crazy!
We didn't really do anything on Friday since Nathan didn't get home til about 9:30pm, but we had plans to go to supper on Saturday. 
Saturday morning, Caedmon and I left to get Nathan's oil changed in his car. They closed shortly after our appt but recommended we get new tires bc the cords started showing thru the tire. Great... And also needed a new battery bc of corrosion and low charge. 
I needed to get Caedmon over to a birthday party at 1, and on the way we picked up a couple of Melissa's kids and brought them too. Once i dropped them off, I found a place that would replace Nathan's tires, then over to the get his battery replaced! Whew! Like that was the way I wanted to spend my few hours by myself! (minus the baby). So I swing by Melissa's, got the baby fed and off to pick up the boys from the party.
Mom and dad came over to our place between 4:30 & 5 and we were off to dinner!
Like always, we had a hard time deciding where to go! We finally settled on Nicks Third Floor since we had never been there before. Well, even though we are huge on supporting restaurants that have local, made from scratch ingredients, we just couldn't stand that atmosphere!! They really need to change locations. And our waiter (who we only saw once bc we left before he brought us our water....since it we were waiting forever) was sweating so bad, he had beads of sweat running down his face! Gross! Anyway, we made a quick decision to go to Cafe Renaissance!  And it was the best decision ever!  I forgot how much I loved that place! It's so fancy, the ambiance is perfect & romantic, the piano music is beautiful and the food is delicious! I ordered the same thing as the first time we went there, cafe shrimp pasta, and Nathan went out on a limb and got to osso busco (sp?), which is lamb (including the bone marrow in the none which he loved!) with the lobster bisque soup. He said it was amazing. 
We left there and swing thru Culvers to get our snicker concrete mixer dessert. We have a wonderful evening chatting and laughing. We even left the baby home so it truly was a tiny get-a-way for just us. Can't wait for the next 10 years!

Nathan's food


In the Culvers drive thru

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