Thursday, January 9, 2014

Facebook Status--October

Oct 2
My banks website is down for maintenance!...Makes this nerd very antsy! I live for Wednesdays so I can budget and allocate!! lol!! Hurry up, website!! 

Oct 6
Attended my first home birth today that wasn't my own! SO amazing and *such* an honor to be part of their special day! Melissa, you were a *rock star*!!!

Oct 6
Let's bless Melissa & family with some yummy meals! Sign up to bring them one and I'm sure you can sneak a peek of that sweet new babe of theirs!  ( SaraBecky,BarbaraAngelHannah,...please pass on to others that know Melissa!)

Oct 9
Start of week 38! You can tell I'm real amused...time to get this baby out! 
Photo: Start of week 38! You can tell I'm real amused...time to get this baby out! :)

Oct 10
Here's my money saving tip of the day!!...esp for those of you with kids who need clothes... Donate some stuff to Salvation Army & get a 25% off coupon, shop on Tuesdays & note the colored tag that's 50% off, find kids clothes with that colored tag, and use your coupon at checkout. You'll get 50% off for the color tag, 50% off that bc it's "toddler tues" & another 25% off that bc your coupon. You just purchased your stuff 81.25% off regular thrift store price!! Wowzers!! *love* Tuesdays at SA!!

Oct 14
Anyone wanting to sell their Moby wrap?

Oct 17
Looking for a last minute sitter for a few hours give this very pregnant momma a little break...any recommendations??

Oct 17
Really, *really* hope this is my last belly picture! Beginning of week 39.!
Photo: Really, *really* hope this is my last belly picture! Beginning of week 39.!

Oct 18
I posted this a couple years ago but this time of year makes me want to make it again! So I thought I'd share. Yummy!! Enjoy!!

Oct 21
"Mom...when your belly's flat, *then* can you play football??" --Brayan

Oct 23
Most of the day to myself?!?!....what?!?!?....I have no idea what to do with my time!! lol!! Huge thanks to Melissa for offering to take my little kids during the day PLUS picking up the others from school so I can have til the evening A.L.O.N.E! (Well, except for my youngest child who obviously is very comfortable in the womb! lol!)

Oct 25
I will be walking the mall this morning...if anyone wants to join me 

Oct 28
Ok, time to start taking bets...when's this baby coming?? I obviously have no idea since I thought a couple weeks ago! My actual 'due date' is Wednesday... And how big??

Leah--I say tomorrow afternoon and I don't care how big as long as she arrives before Thursday so I can hold her!! 
Michelle--I would hope for you sooner rather than later, like tonight (being that I totally get the waiting game thing, having recently finished said game myself) you will have a nice little 7lb 2 oz baby girl. Wades guesstimate for a birthday was Nov. 7...I told him that is not nice.
Becky-- I will say Friday, 7lbs 4oz
Sara--I think she's waiting for Auntie Leah to come. I'll go for 7-1 on 11-1.
Amy--Keep walking! A lot!!!!!!!

Oct 30
Born on her due date! After a record fast labor, we welcomed Selah Prayse into our family early this morning. She's 6lbs 12oz and 19.75in long. Both mom and baby are doing wonderful 

Oct 30 --from mom
Sign up and pick a day to bless Dawn and family with a meal after the birth of Selah! Please pass on to others that you know would like to be a blessing as well. I know they'll appreciate it 

Oct 31
Introducing Selah Prayse  We love her!!
Photo: Introducing Selah Prayse :) We love her!!

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