Monday, February 3, 2014

Cotton candy

So today we got our cotton candy machine! We bought it to have at The Bounce Adventure. We had to try it out right away and boy oh boy, it's super yummy!! It'll take some practice making cones, but the kids love it!!

The FIRST one!!

It's perfect!!

Nathan's home from work today becaiise if his back issues. He saw the chiro an took it easy today w the 2 little ones so hopefully it's on the mend.  I went to town with selah and ran some errands and then worked at BA.  I have to keep earning my title as CEA (chief executive assistant) haha :) it's fun and I love helping out!  Melissa and I were asked in Walmart today if we were twins! Lol! When I said no, she followed with "sisters??" :) usually we're asked if our our babies are twins but us? :)

Gpa and Gma picked the 3 oldest boys up from school today and surprised them with a trip to the movie theater to see the movie Frozen!  They had popcorn and shared "mist". Tiernan pretty much gave us a play by play rerun of the movie.  :)

Selah yesterday in church
3 months old

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