Thursday, August 7, 2014

The 4th

So the previous post was suppose go on my blog back in the end of April I think but never posted so I just did it!  Now these were supposed to post in July and never did either! So sorry for last posts!)

Nathan almost missed the 4th of July again due to storm work. Thankfully he got home on the 3rd just in time for a nice weekend (& he wasn't answering his phone all weekend! :)

I got to have a few hours by myself Thursday evening. I walked around the mall, stopping at a few stores and actually having the time to try some things on! It was amazing not having anything (or anyone) in my hands! I was hoping for my friend Melissa to join me, but since he couldn't, I enjoyed the alone time (& found a few cute shirts!...on clearance of course!) 

On the 4th we headed to my parents house. We were thinking about the parade but. Sometimes it's easier these days just to skip some stuff. My aunt Carol and cousin Mark along w his family, were there. We grilled and hung out for the rest of the day. We again debated about the fireworks, but after getting home and th kids in bed, we decided that listening to them from the comfort of our bed was good enough! :)

Ariellas hair for the 4th....I won't put it next to the one I copied...let's just say this was the best I could do!

This little girl is 8 months already!

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