Saturday, September 27, 2014

Enjoying Daddy Day

Today was a nice relaxing day at home, enjoying the time we get with Dad. He has 64 hours of hot time left in the apprenticeship and he will be done!! 4 years in the making. Not sure where the next step will take us, we will have to wait and see where The Lord leads. 

There's a fine balance between letting the kids enjoy dad as much as possible and trying to get "us" time in. Today we decided to rent a couple movies for the kids so they were occupied and then we were able to sit and chat and actually we took a nap! It was so nice!

The weather was extremely warm today for it being the end of sept, 83 degrees. It was perfect to sit on the deck and drink a cup of coffee together this morning. After Selahs morning nap, we drove out to the land and walked around, dreamt about where our future house will go, where the animals will be fenced in, etc. the kids had fun playing in the trees and on the rock pile. 

Then we went and got milk (the kids just *had to get out of the van which lead to Tiernan picking up a stick and swinging it around and not paying attention to where Jaeg was standing...which lead to him smacking Jaeg right in the face with the stick...poor kid). After milk we picked up some Arby's and Culvers for a late lunch treat and back home we went.

Once it started to cool off outside, we played some quick kickball in the backyard and went for a walk. I wanted to walk a good ways, a few miles around a loop near us. B & C decided they didn't want to come with so we let them stay home. (When we got back, C exclaimed "we didn't even sneak any food! Only water!" Lol) But after we started out, we got about 1/4 of the way and A started fussing and whining and just stopped on her bike and refused to go any further. We kept walking awhile but then figured we should turn around and try to go on a walk in the morning when the kids are still sleeping!! Is there such thing as the 'terrible 5s'??

Now Nathan is downstairs reading "the little house in the big woods"...the first in the series, while I clean up, write this post and watch this sweet girl....

I swear they all have their own beds...and I tell them each night to *stay in their own beds....they love sleeping on the floor next to each other and in front of the fan. 

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