Saturday, November 1, 2014

Women's Retreat

Following a weekend of getting away with Nathan, I was able to go on a women's retreat with church!  I was a little reluctant to go because 1) it was another weekend away from Selah especially, 2) I had to figure out getting my parents to watch the kids while Nathan was working Friday and 3) I didn't really know any of the ladies that were going except Melissa.  Well, it turned out that Nathan isn't working Fridays currently so he could watch the kids and take the older ones to school etc so I figured I should do it just because I hadn't done anything like that before.

So we left Thurs evening...Melissa picked me up about 4:30 and we were off!  We stayed in a large rental cottage on a lake north of Alexandria.  There were 21 women total.  Not much planned for the weekend except lots of relaxing and devotions.  It stretched both Melissa and I out of our comfort zone with being with ladies we didn't know, etc. but by the end of the weekend, we were starting to get to know them better.  We got home around 4:30 on Saturday.

Let the wknd begin!

Well, first we had to stock up on snacks... :) 

Beautiful morning sunrise

After our 2.5 mile walk...

And the kids were alive when I returned....although Selah's onesie was on backwards... :)

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