Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Arkansas Trip

First day: Sunday, got there around noon. At at Arby's about an hour before, had the kids do jumping jacks :)

That early evening, we went to a live manger scene at their church.

Monday: Hung out, kids played. Selah slept horrible. She started out in girls' room since she's used to sleeping w Ariella at night but that ended at midnight w Leah bringing her down to me. (The rest of the days were bad too...she'd go down fine but would wake up crying or coughing for hours a night. Other kids went to bed perfectly. All 5 boys were in parkers room) Had Abi and her friend Gabby watch all the kids so John, Leah, Nathan and I could go look at a house. After, they drove us around Bentonville and saw some landmarks like the Wal-Mart headquarters, the churches where the Duggar kids got married, things like that :)

Tuesday: Leah and I went shopping. First to Hobby Lobby...which took 2 hours bc I couldn't make up my mind for stuff I wanted! Leah was a trooper thru it all :) then over to Wal-Mart to Christmas shop. It surprisingly wasn't that busy, even though it was the day before Christmas Eve.  Nathan did some work stuff with John and then they went to meet up w Johns fantasy football league at the bar/grill in BV. John won and they got home after we ladies went to bed.

Wednesday: Opened 2 presents after breakfast and played. went to Christmas Eve service at their church. It was hard to keep the kids from playing w the led "candles" that were given to each of us at the beginning.

Thursday: Christmas. Opened presents from Santa at 6:30am. Hung out & played. Got up to 60 degrees.

Friday: Nathan and I went shopping at Hobby Lobby again. Got some more stuff for the house. Got packed up and ready to go in the morning.

Sat: Left at 6:51am. Stopped twice. Once in Kansas City at BK to eat. Other in Ames to gas up and potty. Home by 5:20, made it in 10.5 hours. With 6 kids 9 and under, I'd say that's pretty good!! We had great roads and the kids did perfect.

All in all, it was a great trip!!

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