Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fun at the Land

Well since we've decided to stay put in our "in town" house for awhile, we wanted to make use of our acreage just a few miles away. Therefore, yesterday we picked up a few things and headed out there for some fun!

All Tiernan wanted to do was drive the lawn mower.  He's not mowing anything, just wanted to drive it around.  Guess it gives him some practice driving at a VERY slow speed :)

Selah got SO dirty and loved it.  Although by the end of the night, she wanted to suck her thumb but couldn't bc it must have tasted bad :)

It's coming along!  

Ended the night with some smores!  Didn't get a pic of that though bc my phone died :(

We were reminiscing about the times when we came out here for walks 13 years ago!!

Just love that little face!

All the kids were watching a snake slither into the pile of rocks.

The boys helping dad "push" the wood out to the area where we wanted to build our patio.

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