Sunday, May 24, 2015


Oh my goodness!!  Nathan and I were working in the garage and when we turned around, this is what we saw!  The boys found mud in the backyard and they decided to play in their church clothes!!  They didn't even take off their shoes at first!!  ugh!!  They asked if they could go back out in it and I told them to at least take off their clothes.  It's much easier to wash them than wash their clothes.  Caedmon was even wearing new jeans that I just had given him that morning.  Boys!!

However, Jaeger wasn't so excited about slipping and falling into the mud.

The boys didn't want to go out just in their undies...but I assured them that no one could tell anyway, they were covered head to toe in mud!!

Getting cold hose water baths before hosing off their clothes and coming in one at a time to get scrubbed up by mom!!

Surprisingly, I got all their clothes (and shoes!) clean :)

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