So I have been in an organization mode the last couple weeks and I thought I'd post some pics of my progress so far! I got alot of inspiration from the site Even though I know my home will never look like hers (enter LOTS of kids...), I am happy with my results and it's given me more confidence in my belief that less is TOTALLY more!!
Here is my pantry/storage closet: Before on left, After on right.....
(for some reason my curser wont let me type under those pics so below the 3 pantry pics is my under the sink plastic storage containers (note:....keep your tops *with the much easier!), and then my cup cupboard & plates/bowls

Baking cabinet......
Some after pictures: spices, measuring cups, & protein powder. And my bookcase rainbow style. love it
Utensil drawer.....
After silverware drawer.....
Kids' money containers and office organization
bigger pots and my "office" section
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