Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hey all! Welcome to the Legatt Family Blog!! I will try to post as often as possible (spare time does not come along too often over here) but I will do my best!! Tiernan (yes, the oldest!) was up most of the night last night so I'm a tad bit tired today. I got up at about 3am (Brayan was still sleeping!...good boy!) and decided to make a trip to the bathroom. On the way there, I noticed that Tiernan's door to his room was open. I went up to it, looked in, and no Tiernan! So I walked around the house, checking in all his 'hiding' places, and still no Tiernan! I made sure the lock on the door (since he knows how to open the bolt, we've placed a chain lock way up in the corner of the door) and it was still locked so I knew he had to be somewhere in the apt. Well, after much searching in the dark, mostly, I came across a little boy laying on the floor in our closet in our bedroom! He got up when he saw me and giggled, as if we were playing hide and seek! I whispered sternly 'get to bed!' and he ran into his bed. After crawling back into bed, I noticed that Tiernan's light came on in his room and next thing I hear is the TV turning on. I woke Nathan and told him what was going on. Tiernan decided that he wasn't tired at 3am, wanted to play hide and seek and watch TV!! Well, we finally got him to stay in his bed and he was wide awake again at his normal 6ish am. He has been going strong all day so far....I don't know how he does it!! So that was our night! I'll send updates and pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha silly little guy.....I was that kid staying up all night....hee hee.....It was so good to talk with you and Im so glad you guys are doing well....YOur family is so cute!
