Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Well, with Tiernan being up most of the night a couple nights ago, he actually made it through the day with no nap as well!! So last night we ended up putting the kids to bed early (Caedmon 6:30pm and Tiernan 7pm) and had a great night to ourselves!! (Besides Brayan snuggling with us, but he's no trouble!) We rented a movie and just enjoyed peace and quiet! Today was a pretty normal day...went to church in Sioux Falls, went grocery shopping, grabbed something quick for lunch and came home. We rented a couple more movies and watched a little of one while Tiernan did some table activities. Caedmon is still sleeping from his nap (it's 5:30pm!) and Nathan told me not to wake him, so we'll see if he sleeps at all tonight..yikes! And that's about it! Nothing too exciting today (which is actually quite a change from normal :-)
I figure I'd keep people posted about our house status on here too...We switched realtors a week ago (which we are very happy about) and there was an offer put in already last Thursday. It was a super low offer which we did not except and countered at the full-price. (b/c they were so far below asking price) They said they would keep on looking, so they weren't that serious to begin. If we don't hear back from them, there might be a possibility of making an offer to them to see if they would accept. Other than that, we'll just keep trusting the Lord and His timing!!!

1 comment:

  1. Not much going on here, church, nap, and church again! Life! Now the girls are supposed to be sleeping and are talking instead. Life!
