Monday, November 26, 2007

After Thanksgiving

Our little baby is 3 months old now!! This is one picture I took of him for his 3 month picture...isn't he cute?!?! :-)

Caedmon hanging out with Daddy!

Tiernan taking a big bite of cake!! Yum yum!! (Cousin Jacob in the background)

Me and Brayan before they sang "Happy Birthday!"

Our family picture taken on Thanksgiving...Caedmon wouldn't put down his toys....

Ahhh...well, we are back in Luverne after a long weekend in St. Cloud. We spent Thursday with the Legatt side, which was a little different than normal b/c there was only my family and then 2 of Nathan's sisters there and the only 2 that aren't married, so it wasn't very many people at all! Usually Thanksgiving (or any holiday for that matter) is a zoo at the Legatts b/c of all the siblings and their families, etc so this was a nice change! We spent some time playing games and enjoying each other's company. My older boys spent Thursday night at G & G McKeevers (my parents) so Nathan and I had a relaxing evening and morning without our wild kids :-)

Friday morning Nathan and I dedcided to go to town to do some shopping...BAD IDEA!!! It was absolutely nuts in town so we just decided to skip shopping and just go to the cell phone store to get new phones (ours were junk). They were even so busy at that place that when we walked in, a guy was carrying a clipboard and taking down names and telling us how long of a wait we had...I was like 'are we in a restaurant?!?' So anyway, we waited, got new phones and were on our way! We did see an accident happen though on division...crazy holiday shoppers! always have to drive on the defense!! yikes!

Saturday was my birthday so Nathan and I brought the older boys to cousin Williams house and made it over to G Allens for a free lunch! It was great, although I got a buffalo chicken wrap and it was so hot I couldn't taste anything else :-) After all that was done, we got the boys and spent the rest of the day/evening visiting with friends that Nathan has known since high school. They had just had their first child, so it was fun to meet her and catch up a little!

We made the drive back on sunday after a brunch at the Legatts. To top off the weekend, when we got back to our place, we were unloading the car and our glass gallon milk jug (empty) rolled out of our van and smashed on the bumper before falling to the ground....well, I reached out to grab it and as soon as it broke, I pulled my hand away. But I pulled away too late and sliced my fingers across on the inside of my hand...ouch!! So I only had one hand to help unload the car, along with unloading my 3 crying boys :-) So, yes, it's a joy to be back home! Now comes all the unpacking....

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