Thursday, November 29, 2007

Everyday Life

Well, the bags are finally unpacked and we are back into the 'normalcy' of every day life! Nathan is now showing up to work in Luverne (verses Worthington) so he only has a 5 minute drive to and from work!! That is way better than the 40 mins each way it took before. I really appreciate him getting home a whole 30-40 minutes sooner!!

Since Nathan gets home shortly after 5pm, I have been able to get a membership at the Rec center here in Luverne and swim!!! I have gone twice this week and plan to go every other day if I can. The lap swimming schedule goes until 6pm and since the pool is a whole maybe 6 blocks away, I can get a good 35-45 minutes in. I just have supper ready and Brayan fed when Nathan gets home and I'm off! He feeds the older boys supper and I get a good work-out in. Boy, does it feel good to get in the pool! It's been years since I've swam laps but last night when I was there, someone asked me if I am a swimmer b/c they said no one does flip turns like that unless they are a swimmer! I must still have it in me! :-)

Well, I better get back to my boys...I just got done picking up all the toys and since they now have a large area with no toys in their way, they are running wild! So besides the fact that the kids got into the jam and had it smeared all over their clothes, the oven, and the floor; that Tiernan bit Brayan's nose and left a mark all the way around it; and that Tiernan sprayed vegetable wash in his was a pretty good day! :-)

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