Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I realized it's been awhile since posting a blog, so I thought that I should get on the ball!! Well, here are a few things going on in our life...

Brayan had a fever yesterday but he was still in a very good mood. Today his fever is down but he's crabby today, go figure! He loves to snuggle, so I've been enjoying just sitting and snuggling my baby! Oh, and his cradle cap is finally ALL gone! We picked it all off (along with all his hair!) but it now looks a ton better and his hair is growing back :-)

Caedmon has been pretty much the same, although a big back tooth is coming in and I don't think he likes it!

Tiernan is his typical crazy self...he wrote all over the wall on Sunday with black permenant marker so if you come to visit, you can see his masterpiece in the hallway :-)

We have been waiting to hear from a couple people that have looked at our house. We heard from one today and they made an offer!!...with a closing date of 12/28!! WOO HOO!! So I think we will accept it. A different couple was pretty serious about it too, so maybe we'll get two offers, who knows? Even though we are taking a huge hit on this house, we are very excited to get rid of it and close that chapter of our lives!! And I think we'll stay away from real estate for awhile :-)

Well, that's all for now...I'll update soon since this wasn't too much. See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dawn!
    It's Alison-Amanda's sister in law. I saw your family picture and christmas letter so I had to check out your blog. What a great way to keep family updated. Just wanted to say hello. I added your address to our blog so Greg's family can check it the same time they check Jacksons...
    We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! Take Care!
