Friday, June 27, 2008

Norman and Gill

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted on here!! Not too much exciting has been happening. We got a couple goldfish from Walmart when we were there. We figured at 28 cents a piece, if they just last a couple days, it was still worth it!! The kids have been enjoying them and Tiernan would feed them all day long if I'd let him! I did have to put them on top of the frig for a while, out of Caedmon's reach because a couple days ago, he was sitting up on the table watching them and then when I looked again, he was playing with his hand!! Then I looked at the bowl and it had a bobby pin laying on the bottom, a kleenex floating around, and 2 toothpicks and a starburst wrapper floating on the top :) Needless to say, I had to clean their bowl....

Tiernan looking very closely at the fish. We named them Norman and Gill :)

Nathan has been working alot, 12-14 hour days. He got home at 7:30 a couple nights ago and after he showered, he sat down to eat and says "Man, this is nice! I'm home and it's only 8:00pm!!" I said 'anyone else would think that's nuts but you think it's early still!' That just gives you an idea of how much and how late he can be working sometimes!! Although he did get off an hour early the night before last because it was absolutely pouring here. It started to rain and thunder and lighting so the kids and I were standing by the door watching it. Then it started to get REALLY windy and the rain was blowing right into my house so we quickly shut the windows and then next thing I know, it's hailing! When I looked out our door (we just had the storm door closed) I could BARELY see the house that is like a few feet away from our front deck because it was rain and hailing and BLOWING that hard! It was actually quite scary and I was contimplating going downstairs, but then I thought let's just shut the door and get away from the window for now!! Plus, there'd be no way I could have gotten the kids outside and down 2 flights of stairs in that weather. I called our landlord to see what radio station to listen to to hear the weather, but that hailing and blowing only lasted a few minutes. Then it just rained and rained for awhile. Nathan got home about an hour than usual and he stood outside in the rain for awhile soaking it up, washing himself off and LOVING the coolness of it for a change! Then he got home yesterday at about 11am because it was raining in the morning again. It's rained most of the night last night and was thundering and lightning this morning but there's no sign of him yet!

The road right outside, it was flooded again and only that tiny line down the middle was the road peeking through.

Nathan washing himself off in the pouring rain!

Nathan says "It's so nice out here!!"

Nothing too new with the kids....Tiernan loves his train set and that keeps him busy for quite some time. Oh, there is one kinda new thing with Caedmon, he sat in the tub WITHOUT screaming for ONCE!! YAY!! He still bawled as we put him in there, but then once we let him throw a few toys in and make some splashes, he decided it wasn't SO bad in there. That is the first time EVER that he hasn't been absolutely screaming when being by water. If you remember from previous posts, Caedmon usually cries just when he SEES water, so this was quite a milestone! and Brayan is standing more and more on his own (he thinks he's pretty cool) and is now walking behind his push toy.

Caedmon's enjoying the water!!!

When we say "Praise the Lord!", Brayan does this.... :)

The dreaded laundry room....This is what you see right when you open the door to the laundry area...

...and when you turn to your right, there you see the washer and dryer...

I have actually had time during naps a couple days this week to do some scrapbooking!! I'm trying to get caught up on Brayan's so any time that I can squeeze it a page or two is so nice!!

Oh, by the way, I clocked the drive from here to 'downtown' Garner and it's 1.1 miles one way. So I figure we probably walk about 2.5-3 miles each time we go out since we most of the time don't take the shortest distance there, etc. So that's why it took so long last week to walk to the dollar store, cuz it's 1.5 miles away!

Well, that should be all for now. Things might get a little more interesting here in the next couple-few weeks, but you'll just have to stay posted!!! :)

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